5. Jalopy Theater and School of Music
Over at the Jalopy Theater and School of Music, kids can learn to play music and to act. The youngest students, for instance, ages 7 to 14, can even partake in a summer camp for beginners, where they will spend half their days learning folk music. Attendees will learn to play guitar, banjo, and fiddle throughout the week, and they’ll even take voice lessons and exercise performing in a band. The cost for the entire week reaches $600.
The same location also offers private lessons for those hoping to learn how to play the banjo, fiddle, guitar, harmonica, mandolin, ukulele, or who may want to learn how to sing.
There are also group classes in all these instruments, plus classes in songwriting, performance, as well as singing and playing. Basically, they’re covering all the bases so the kids know how to do it all by the time they’re done. These classes can be great for those budding musicians, even if we’re talking about songwriting and not actual instrument playing.

Olesia Bilkei/Shutterstock.com