6 Smartphones with Best Earphones

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1. Samsung Galaxy S8

Let’s get back to the usual, wired headphones. When you read reviews about this smartphone, the first thing you will notice is that earphones are ignored. But, since Samsung works with AKG, very respectable company for headphones, you should definitively check them.  The sound they produce is very good, as they have a good level of bass. But when listening to higher volumes, you may not feel so comfortable as it might be painful for some of you. Their design is different and they fit great and stay in your ears, and the length of the cable is just ok, for a smartphone use. Another great advantage, which I couldn’t say for many headphones, is that you can use it with your computer, or another smartphone, they are not designed only for S8 model. The price is $99, but it is definitively worth the money.

6 Smartphones with Best Earphones

Leszek Kobusinski/Shutterstock.com

To sum up, these are our recommendations on 6 smartphones with best earphones. Hopefully, after reading this article you will be able to find the best smartphone with earphones, according to your needs and budget. Whatever you choose, you won’t make a mistake, as these smartphones provided are the best ones available providing great sound experience. If you have anything to add to our list, feel free to add a comment with additional info!

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