6 Richest Disney Princesses of Them All

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1. Jasmine

Fortune: $25 billion + 2 billion

It’s rather difficult to read the fortune in Jasmine’s accounts since there are so many numbers in there. But then again, she is the daughter of the Sultan of Agrabah, who is bound to leave her a hefty inheritance. $25 billion in total makes her one of the richest “women” in the world. She grew up with the best of the best, so her tastes can be quite expensive too. Taking care of her tiger costs a few thousand every year, but that won’t exactly make a dent in her accounts.

Aladdin, whom Jasmine marries, has a net worth of $2 billion. Since Agrabah has no princes or sultans, Squander went with the Sultan of Brunei whose net worth sits at about $20 billion. Since Aladdin is just a prince, his net worth would be about $30 million. However, he becomes a Sultan so his net worth is raised to $2.03 billion. It’s nothing compared to how much Jasmine has, but still a lot.

Jasmine is the sixth Disney Princess and first appeared in 1992’s Aladdin. She is a bold and confident young lady who doesn’t really follow the rules and hates being told what to do. She wants to be independent so she rebels against the restrictions put down by her father, much like any other teenager would do. She falls in love with Aladdin, who is disguised as a prince at first. One ride on his magic carpet later and she is head over heels for him. Once the whole plot unfolds, she is permitted by her father to wed Aladdin who is actually a pretty poor fellow, living on the streets. Love wins in the end, and we’re ok with that.

While she certainly doesn’t have to work a day in her life, Jasmine is a nice character. She received mixed reviews from critics. On one hand, they love her personality, especially that she is so strong-willed and free, while on the other hand there are those who believe her role in the movie was bland and fell flat.

Either way, she’s one of the beautiful Disney Princesses that has the most success. She is also the one that managed to snag the top spot among the 6 richest Disney Princess of them all.

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