6 Reasons Why People Kill Each Other In India

6. Lunacy

Total deaths caused, either by murder or culpable homicide: 39

While relevant Lunacy Acts have been passed in the country as far back as the 1800s when British were still ruling the nation, the mentally deficient have never been given much priority. Mental deficiencies and illnesses are considered to be a sign of weakness on the part of the person and hence, have been hidden throughout the country, even by the literate and educated people. Many Indians believe that if they are associated with a mentally deficient person, it will hurt their stature and perception of other people. Hence, instead of getting them treated for the relevant disease, they are either locked up and hidden or in some extreme cases, even thrown out.

This is especially true for the homeless in India, which make a significant part of the population. And since nobody is watching those people, they are free to act as they please without being in control of their senses, which in turn has led to many murders which would otherwise have been avoidable.

