6 Most Likely Conspiracy Theories

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The 6 most likely conspiracy theories will give you a significant idea about the events that shaped the history, our perception to humanity itself and the possibility that a group of people or organization could have been involved in inflicting the occurrence of those unfortunate events in history. Some events had taken away hundreds of lives, some damaged historical sites and properties and some just unbelievably took place and people wanted answers as to what could have caused such events to take place.


Let’s all face it, in the age of digital information and access to data, the internet loves a good conspiracy theory. People are being entertained, people are forced to think and people are forced of being aware of what’s happening around them whenever they read a conspiracy theory. For instance, some have also been able to come up with their own conspiracy theory.

We have been pushed to wonder and of course be entertained by the 7 most popular conspiracy theories, it does not end in that list though. Because there are countless of conspiracy theories existing right now, you might also be interested reading this list of 6 most likely conspiracy theories that are in the verge of officially be accepted as conspiracy theories:

6. The MH370 disappearance conspiracy theory – “It landed in Pakistan”

The Malaysia Airlines flight 370 suddenly lost contact with the radio tower and disappeared completely from being tracked down in the radar. The plane was supposed to arrive at Beijing, China from Kuala Lumphur when it suddenly lost communication few hours after the departure. A comprehensive search took place to find a sign of debris, but none of those searches found any. Rupert Murdoch hypothesize that it was jihadist’s plan to make troubles for China. Though no one could tell what happened to its passengers and crews. The theory suggests that it landed in Pakistan.


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