The most expensive things ever bought online will surprise you. Online shopping has become increasingly popular among consumers, and for good reason. It gives you the comfort of purchasing what you need from the comfort of your own home and sometimes you can even score a great deal. But some people out there have taken online shopping to a new extreme. We would like to present you with a list we have compiled of the most expensive things ever bought online.
Let’s take a look.
No. 6 Most Expensive Thing Ever Bought Online: Atlas F Missile Base
Price tag: $2.1 million
Back in 2002, eBay auctioned off a missile base that had formerly belonged to the Federal Government. The missile base, located in New York and designed to withstand a nuclear hit, was sold to the highest bidder for a whopping $2.1 million. We’re not really sure what you could do with a former military missile base, but we assume that the buyer, who chose to remain anonymous, had good reasons for making the purchase.
No. 5 Most Expensive Thing Ever Bought Online: Lunch with Warren Buffet
Price tag: $2.6 million
Who would you most like to go to dinner with, dead or alive? There probably isn’t one person who has not had to answer that question at one point in their lives. But the follow-up question should be “how much would you be willing to pay for it?”. Each year, a Power Lunch with Warren Buffet is auctioned online. The highest price ever paid for sharing a dish with the business mogul? $2.6 million. The great news, though, is that all proceedings go to charitable causes.
No. 4 Most Expensive Thing Ever Bought Online: Shang Dynasty Vase
Price tag: $3.3 million
The Shang Dynasty is one of the most famous families of rulers in Chinese history and many items dating from those times are highly valued. But none more pricy than a wine vase sold at a Christie’s online auction back in 2010.
No. 3 Most Expensive Thing Ever Bought Online: Gulfstream II
Price tag: $4.9 million
Apparently, there really is nothing you can’t buy on eBay. Back in 2001, an African flight company purchased a private jet, the Gulfstream II, for no less than $4.9 million, making it the third most expensive item ever bought online. For a plane that can only seat 12, it is pretty hefty price tag.
No. 2 Most Expensive Thing Ever Bought Online: “October on Cape Cod”- Edward Hopper Painting
Price tag: $9.6 million
Art collectors worldwide are willing to pay impressive amounts of money for their desired paintings, so it is not surprising that such a sale has made our countdown. Sold at a private online auction held by Christie’s back in 2002, Edward Hopper’s October on Cape Cod, was bought for almost $10 million by an anonymous art collector.
No. 1 Most Expensive Thing Ever Bought Online: Mulder Design Yacht
Price tag: $140 million
If you’re currently boat hunting, you should know that the online market is more than generous. A 405-foot Mulder Design yacht sold on eBay in 2005 for a “modest” $140 million ranks as the most expensive item ever purchased online. The yacht comes complete with a helipad, a cinema room, a gym, 10 suites and 8 guest cabins, and ever a fully furnished office. The buyer choose to remain anonymous.
If you enjoyed our list of the most expensive things ever bought online, you’ll also enjoy our list of the “7 Most Expensive Medical Procedures.”