Today we are giving you an answer, in case you ever wondered how long were the 6 longest applauses of all time.
When talking about the origins of this widespread and socially acceptable way of showing approval, affirmation, and admiration, we must mention ancient Romans and their slightly different form of what is nowadays known as clapping. From snapping the finger and thumb, and clapping flat or hollow palm, to the use of the toga in the purpose of flapping, the expressions of encouragement and praise were various. The applause was a short fad in Christianity too. Moreover, there is something called ‘golf clap’ and it refers to the quiet clapping so golfers wouldn’t be disturbed while playing. Well known and traditional minute’s silence, used for showing respect to a recently deceased, is replaced with minute’s applause, at least in Britain.

For what it’s worth, clapping can be really contagious – the audience doesn’t always have to be driven by their enjoyment after the show, some just go with the flow and clap in the rhythm. And once we are talking about reasons to start clapping, we might as well mention one interesting anecdote about the reason for not ending it. So, it was at a 1937 conference of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. Once the applause in honor of the dictator Joseph Stalin started, no one had the nerve to stop it. Eventually, after 11 minutes of wild clapping, the director of the paper factory found the strength and brought it to an end. According to Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian novelist, and historian, that man ended up in prison, just a few hours later. In this case, legitimate fear of retaliation really was a reason good enough not to interrupt the clapping. Luckily, speaking of applauses below, that’s not the case.
In our search for the longest ones, we witnessed and heard various applauses. Some were long, loud and worth mentioning and the others were more like good-manners-applauses done as a formality. However, few of them stand out from the crowd, and we felt the urge to write a few lines about them. We lined up the noteworthy ones according to their durance, starting with the shortest, although every each of those 6 longest happened due to a different but equally important reason. You are free to clap if you like after listening and reading about them.
If you ever wondered how it feels like to receive a standing ovation accompanied by clapping, but you don’t have an idea how to deserve it, we are recommending you to read our article about the 15 Most Popular TED Talks in 2014. While watching this inspirational videos you may get the idea that is worth spreading, and that will definitely bring you an applause.
As for us, the applauses, are best self-confidence boosters. Just imagine the rush of the endorphin while you are on the stage receiving one! So, without further ado, let’s see how it was, at least for these guys on the list of longest applauses of all time.