6 Least Technologically Advanced States in America

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1. Mississippi

Mississippi is a heavily forested state of 3 million people. Most of the land is held by forestry, agriculture and railroad companies. The country is known as a rural state with a lot of industrial farms. It is ranked the lowest among all the states considering education, household income and health. During the early part of the 20th century the state encountered the Great Migration, wherein a lot of African-Americans left the state to pursue opportunities in other locations. Currently Mississippi is known as the most religious state in the US.


As you might’ve noticed these states have a common ground which makes them rank low among different lists and surveys. A lot of the land in the state remains untouched and has a potential for development. These places have not been explored yet. This is not to say that these states are in a very low place, but rather were just affected by circumstances in history. Any action can turn things around albeit requiring some time to do so. We hope you’ve learned a lot from these 6 least technologically advanced states in America.

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