Learning how to cook can be, obviously, life-saving, but also help save you quite a bit of money otherwise spent on take-out and restaurants, so we wanted to find a few inexpensive cooking classes in and near Queens.
Life in New York City is notoriously fast-paced, which means between work, family and social life, there’s very little time for cooking. And yet, cooking will help you keep that diet you’ve been planning to follow, or save you some money at the end of the month since you’ll be paying a lot less on ingredients than you would on the finished meal over at the corner restaurant or on that Chinese food take out you were planning for.

Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com
When the issue isn’t just related to a lack of time to spend in the kitchen, however, but with a lack of knowledge regarding the ins and outs of cooking, then there is something we can actually do – take a cooking class. The classes on this list are everything from cooking classes in Astoria to the rest of Queens, but if you want to travel a bit more, you can also take one or two of these 7 beginner cooking classes in Brooklyn.
There aren’t too many options in Queens, truth be told, but there are some that you can certainly attend in order to learn how to make yourself something you would love to eat, or maybe some kind of food that will last a couple of days in the fridge. Or perhaps you already know how to cook, but are simply looking to improve by taking a class led by a trained professional.
In order to create our list we relied on two sources. One of them is class aggregator Class Curious, and the other is good ol’ Google. Once we created our list, we ranked them by how much classes cost by dividing the price by the number of hours – trying to figure out which class costs how much. Of course, in the case of some locations, the price per hour differed by class, and we’ll mention them all in the article. We also chose to include two locations that don’t have any courses currently listed, simply because they’re a viable option that you should look out for when you’re seriously considering taking on a cooking class. Since they have no course prices, we just added them at the end of the list.
Without further ado, here are 6 inexpensive cooking classes in and near Queens.