Computers have come to the point where they are not just a hobby by themselves, but instead you can use them to go a global network of information to read about the 6 hobbies you only need a computer for. We are truly living in an amazing era which, although being stacked with debatable disadvantages, is also a time when you can pretty much pick up any skill that doesn’t require some born-with talent using only your computer.

Ahmet Misirligul/
However, having the ability to doesn’t mean people will. It is a given that the number of technology owners increases by a lot every day but computer literacy is far less established than computers themselves and people won’t even use their computers to learn how to handle them properly. This has gone far enough to reach the point where a person with an expensive computer setup that was unheard of ten years ago doesn’t even know how to take it apart. Would computer maintenance be one of the hobbies you teach yourself or is it not your type of thing? Let’s look at several options.
Just before we finally give you our list of 6 hobbies you only need a computer for, we suggest you take a loot at another useful article on the topic 20 Popular open source alternatives to expensive software, as it may also come in handy to you.
6. Gaming
Starting off the list is the most obvious choice. But let’s make it better: You don’t really need a powerful computer to play a decent game. There are plenty of older games and you can go as far as getting emulators for older consoles and reliving all of your favorite titles again. There are tons of free games and loads of browser-based one. There is also a whole variety of free to play games you can enjoy with your friends. Games range from stupidly simple to extremely complex, with large worlds and rich lore.

Iryna Tiumentseva/