Nowadays, with the number of hours we all spend in the office, sitting in a chair, we all feel it at the end of the day, which is why we’re going to take a look at the 6 highest rated mattresses for back pain.
I don’t know about you, but spending so much time in front of a computer, sitting at my desk, as a non-smoker, has taken a toll on how my back feels at times. Because you forget to get up from your desk, getting absorbed in your work, you can often feel that in the form of back pain at the end of the day, and even in the morning as you try to get your bearings after the last snooze has timed out.
Back pain can be blamed on bad posture, genetics, daily activities and so on. Basically, it’s a never ending list of probable causes that no one wants to go through. In the end, what matters is that your back pains won’t let you properly rest at night and that you wake up as if someone used you as a punching bag.

Ljupco Smokovski/
This isn’t just an issue of what you do during the day, but also on what you sleep at night. After all, good shoes and a comfortable mattress are worth investing money in since you’re going to spend a lot of time in one of these.
We went to the Choose Mattress site to find out which mattresses are best for those who suffer from back pain. The site offers information on the type of mattresses that are best for various purposes and the features one needs to have to fit said purposes. They also include reviews and user feedback, to make everything easier.
If you have the money for it, you can even take a look at the most expensive mattresses in the world, although it’s not guaranteed they’ll also be the perfect choice for you, no matter how much you spend.
A good mattress for back pain will offer maximum spinal support, but it also matters whether it’s made out of latex, memory foam, or springs. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. There’s also the matter of personal preference – whether you like a soft mattress that will hug your body or one that’s firmer. For instance, if your current mattress is soft, you might benefit better from a firmer one and vice versa, which is something that might help alleviate the pains you’re feeling.
Flipping and rotating the mattress can be a solution for the short term, but it’s not going to keep you from buying a new one for long.
You should also take into consideration what’s the return policy and how long you have to figure out whether that’s the right mattress for you or not. The warranty provided by the company you choose should also be taken into account since those that offer decades of warranty are usually ones that are quite high quality. After all, they don’t expect you to complain about the mattress for a long time.
All things considered, while the research you need to do can be quite lengthy, it’s important when picking out a mattress since you’re going to be sleeping on it for years and years. Hoping to make your life easier, we picked out a list of the 6 highest rated mattresses for back pain, which will hopefully help you out quite a bit.