Looking for the fastest growing cities in India in 2015? Then you found the right place to know more about the country of India, its fastest growing cities, as well as its economic and population growth.
Nowadays, a city can be recognized as a fast growing city through its economic and population growth. The growth of the economy is based on the gross domestic product (GDP) of the city, which is interdependent with the number of people who are contributing to the GDP.

I am sure you have read recent reports about the emerging slowdown of India’s economic growth. Nevertheless, economists were looking forward to India taking over China in becoming the world’s fastest growing large economy during the first quarter of the year. But during the months of April to June, it was discovered that India’s economic growth slowed down from 7.5% to 7%. India also failed to enact economic reforms during the monsoon session of the Parliament of India which will definitely help it to maintain its high growth rate.
With regard to population growth, India has an estimated population of 1.3 billion according to the 2015 Revision of the United Nations World Population Prospects. It is actually 18% of the world’s population, placing India as second in rank, next to China, among the countries with the highest population. Also, United Nations projects the population of India to be 1.5 billion in 2030 and 1.7 billion in 2050. It implies that the population growth of India is approximately 16.5% from 2015 to 2030 and approximately 30% from 2015 to 2050. With this, India is first among the nine countries that are expected to account for more than half of the world’s projected population increase over the period 2015-2050.
Previously we have shared the 10 fastest growing cities in America in 2015. And now, let’s find out the 6 fastest growing cities in India, the seventh largest country in the world. We gathered data about the cities’ GDP growth from Oxford Economics. The data came from the report of the 10 fastest growing cities in the world, six of which were Indian cities. We also obtained population growth rate for these 6 cities from the United Nations covering the period from 2000 to 2015.
In ranking the cities based on their economic and population growth, we used a point system, giving 6 to the highest ranking city in each category and 1 to the lowest ranking city. For the cities that have the same growth rate, we gave the same points. We then calculated the total points for each city and ranked them accordingly. For the cities that have the same average, we assigned the higher rank to the one with higher population growth rate.
So, here is the list of the 6 fastest growing cities in India in 2015. These cities are leading in terms of the economic and population growth.
6. Kolkata (Calcutta)
GDP growth (2015): 6.8%
Points earned: 2
Population growth (2000-2015): 1.7%
Points earned: 2
Average: 2
5. Hyderabad
GDP growth (2015): 7.2%
Points earned: 3
Population growth (2000-2015): 2.15%
Points earned: 3
Average: 3
4. Chennai (Madras)
GDP growth (2015): 7.8%
Points earned: 5
Population growth (2000-2015): 1.59%
Points earned: 1
Average: 3

3. Bengaluru (Bangalore)
GDP growth (2015): 6.8%
Points earned: 2
Population growth (2000-2015): 2.74%
Points earned: 5
Average: 3.5
2. Mumbai (Bombay)
GDP growth (2015): 7.6%
Points earned: 4
Population growth rate (2000-2015): 2.3%
Points earned: 4
Average: 4
1. Delhi
GDP growth (2015): 8.5%
Points earned: 6
Population growth: (2000-2015): 3.5%
Points earned: 6
Average: 6
Being the capital city, with the highest GDP growth and population, Delhi definitely made it to the top. Have you been in these 6 fastest growing cities in India? Feel free to comment and share your travel experiences. We would love to hear from you!