1. Bloody battle for control
In 2008, Tijuana became the most violent city in Mexico. The war between the cartels was led along the border between the United States and Mexico. The brutality of killings peaked and corpses sending different messages were displayed everywhere: some had their tongues cut out because they talked too much, some had their fingers cut out while some were castrated. The bloodbath in Tijuana lead to the arrest of Eduardo Arellano Felix, the last remaining brother who ran the Tijuana cartel. During this year, around 2,700 lives were lost due to cartel-related violence. On April 26, 2008, a major battle took place in Tijuana. Among the fifteen dead were two senior hitmen for the Arellano Felix Cartel. Reports say that the Tijuana Cartel fought with Sinaloa Cartel over the control of their territory. With the majority of the Arellano Felix family being dead or incarcerated, the power of Mexico’s most notorious drug cartel is fading away. Today, the cartel still exists under the command of “La Narcomami” but the brutality and violence cannot match to the Tijuana Cartel of the 90s. The homicide numbers fell to under 400 since the Sinaloa Cartel became the dominant group in Tijuana, We hope that you found out some interesting information on our list of 6 facts about Tijuana drug cartel violence: kidnappings and killings.

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