6 Easiest Ways to Get Prescribed Pain Pills

2. Be in Real, Non-Self-Inflicted Pain

Of course, chances are the number two on our list of easiest ways to get prescribed pain pills won’t work, after all, the internet is packed with complaints of people who are allegedly in awful pain but can’t get their hands on any Oxy. However, if it does work it’s quite easy, you literally have to do nothing other than endure.

Now, if this is your case, I feel for you, and I hope you can get treatment, but no opioids. This is not an article meant for people who are really suffering, but for the sake of silliness and bad judgment. There’s such a wide range of options when it comes to treating pain, you should not get blind-sighted by the obvious choice. That’s chickensh*t stuff, brave people are not afraid of the road less traveled. And remember what I said about medical marijuana.