6 Easiest Ways to Get Prescribed Pain Pills

6. Inflict Some Real, Painful Injury on Yourself

Out of the 6 easiest ways to get prescribed pain pills, this is the least easy, but probably also the most likely to work. Of course, no one wishes to do any of these, but remember, opioids might make you THAT reckless. It’s like when junkies recur to prostitution in order to get money for smack. Anyway, here are some ideas:

– Dislocate your shoulder

– Re-wound a pre-existing injury, for example: “A man, who had originally become addicted to opioids when he twisted his ankle, would re-injure the ankle by jumping up and down on it or hitting it with a hammer”.

– Slam the car door (hard) on your arm. (I got this from TV show “The Leftovers”, where everyone’s totally f*cked up).

– Shoot yourself in the foot. “I’m serious, it doesn’t hurt as much as you think it would. That’s what I do, anyway.”

Is he serious? I hope not, otherwise what he is, is seriously desperate, that’s what he is. In any case, it’s a dubious suggestion, courtesy of BlueLight.

6 Easiest Ways to Get Prescribed Pain Pills
