6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join

Get your camo ready for action because it’s time for the 6 easiest special forces branch to join.

I always wanted to join the military and by that I mean I’ve always enjoyed uniforms. I would be a terrible member of any Armed Force–let alone a special force. I am not very forceful, as in full of force. I’m not full of most aggressive things. I’m joyful, or very often mouthful, and after a march pretty much anywhere I’d be tearful.

Firstly, let’s make it clear, it is not easy to join any special forces or special ops, or even the “regular” branches of the military. Since every one of them requires a lot of skills and excellence in capabilities. In this article, we made a list of 6 that are “easiest” to join meaning the 6 that involve the fewest requirements–more on that in a minute.

When an individual wants to join a Special Force he or she must know what field they want to join, what they want to do, but also they need to have a strong will, fierce character, the discipline and last, but not, least physical readiness. Each and every one of special force requires (apart from great eye vision, especially those in the air force) great physique which includes targeted weight and capabilities to do some of the toughest body exercises, from swimming to hiking, to feats of strength and endurance in every weather condition. This is, of course, related to great discipline, which is required in the military in general, let alone in the special forces or ops.

6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join


Special forces justify their name because they have special missions and targets and they function in a different way than regular military. They are also equipped with advanced and modern equipment and gadgets. They have the special weapons (related to their missions, for example, Night stalkers, or the United States Army 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), abbreviated as the 160th SOAR (A) have to have the equipment adapted to the night conditions like, night goggles) and state of the art aircraft, planes, helicopters, vessels, like boats, carriers, etc. This is all advanced, which is important that the airmen, marines, midshipmen and soldiers pass the high-intensity training so they can, in the first place, use this equipment and of course learn how to act in combat using different tactics and plans. Maybe you should take a look at 11 Best, Most Elite Hardest Training Special Forces in The World before reading this article.

In order to find the “easiest” special forces branch to join, we had firstly to identified all special forces in the US. Then, we ranked the list according to the number of requirements for joining to each branch. For each special force, we will provide information about their missions, equipment and the role in the military system of the US. This information we have found on the official sites of the special forces and the mostly from the Military and the US Army, Air Force and Marines.

Here is the list 6 easiest special forces branch to join:

6. Army Rangers

On the 6th place on this list are the Army Rangers. Army Rangers are a military formation of the United States military sector and they are trained to serve the country and defend the nation in critical and difficult moments. Sudden, unexpected and unique situations that occur in the world are demanding the force that has the quick response and can deliver rapid response and resolve the crisis. Army Rangers can deploy in 18 hours and their motto is “Rangers lead the way.” Their capabilities include airborne, destroying strategic facilities and killing enemies of the nation. They train new volunteers through Ranger School which is one of toughest, nearly a 60% failure rate. After they finish a 61-day or 8-week course they are full trained army rangers with the required skills.

One of their recent big missions was in Afghanistan and they continue to fight in the global war on terrorism. They specialize in close combat and direct-fire battles with the enemy. Their missions include direct action operations, raids, personnel and the recovery of special equipment recovery and other special operations.

6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join


5. Army Green Berets

The US Army’s Special Forces also known as The Green Berets are an army organization, an elite force for high priority operations, which consists of highly trained and seasoned professional soldiers. Their mission contains Counter-terrorism, Direct Action, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance and Unconventional Warfare.

Soldiers that want to join this force don’t have to be just physically prepared they also have to be intelligent and have various skills. Soldiers among themselves evolve strong relationships which are very important because they have to watch each other backs on the field. Also, this “job” comes with a possibility of additional financial rewards depending on advanced special skills, extra training and the level of danger they encounter.

To become a Special Forces soldier you have to be “20-30 years old US citizen with high school diploma, have a General Technical score of 110 or higher and a combat operation score of 100 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, qualify for a secret security clearance and Airborne training, pass the Army Physical Fitness Assessment and the Pre-Basic Task list and you must have 20/20 or corrected to 20/20 in both near and distant vision in both eyes.” As far as the equipment, this Special Force has modern, advanced helicopters like UH-60 Blackhawk, A/MH-6 Little Bird, MH-47 Chinook and MH-60K/L Black Hawk and the soldiers themselves carry the most advanced equipment like halo helmet, ram air parachute system, night vision, re-breather, kayak, inflatable boat, long range communication, M-4 Carbine, M-9 Pistol, net warrior.

6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join


4. Army Night Stalkers

The 160th Special Operation Aviation Regiment, also known as Army Night Stalkers are Army special operation aviation force whose soldiers are known for proficiency in nighttime flight operation. Their mission is to organize and train aviation forces in order to support contingency missions and their soldiers are highly trained for the hardest and toughest missions in any situation, environment, anytime and all over the world. This Special Force has headquarters and four battalions. Each one of the battalions has light, medium and heavy helicopters like AH-6 Little Bird, MH-47 Chinook, and H-60 Blackhawk. The Special Forces are always seeking the best-qualified aviators and the soldiers have to have the minimum requirement: male and female US citizens, GT score of 110 and more, they have to pass Physical Fitness Assessment (“Minimum 49 Push Ups, 59 Sit Ups, 15:12 2-Mile, 6 Pull Ups), must be able to meet medical fitness standards as outlined in AR 40-501, DLPT rating of 1/1 or higher if proficient in a foreign language, eligible for a “SECRET” security clearance, airborne qualified or volunteer for airborne school, must be able to reclassify from their current MOS or basic branch.” So these Special Forces are requiring highly qualified soldiers.

6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join

3. Marine MARSOC

The third place of this list of 6 easiest special forces branch to join is Marine MARSOC. MARSOC stands for Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command also known as Marine Raider Regiment which consists of headquarters and 3 battalions-first, second and third. The Command’s mission is Direct Action, Special Reconnaissance, Preparation of the Environment, Security Force Assistance, Counter-terrorism, Foreign Internal Defense, Counterinsurgency. All the soldiers have to pass the Marine Special Operation School and also have to be a Marine for three years to become MARSOC Raider Candidate to attend the 9 months long Marine Special Operation Individual Course and 4 weeks long Team Commanders Course. Through these courses, soldiers learn: “direct action, close quarters battle, fire support, tactical casualty care, irregular warfare, survival evasion resistance and escape, and infantry weapons and tactics.”

6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join


2. Navy SEALs

Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, and Land) are highly specialized challenging warfare capabilities that the standard military forces cannot fulfill. Their mission includes Direct Action Warfare, Special Reconnaissance, Counter-terrorism, Foreign Internal Defense. Their main motto is to achieve the impossible, and when there is no place you can turn, Navy SEALs are dealing with it. Navy SEALS are using Navy’s advanced equipment like Carriers, Cruisers, Submarines, Littoral Combat Ships, MH-60 Seahawk helicopters etc. All SEAL candidates have to pass PST, have to be 18-28 years old US citizens with high school diploma, have the clean record, ASVAB minimum requirements: SEAL – GS+MC+EI=165 or VE+MK+MC+CS=220 and “uncorrected vision in the better eye can be no worse than 20/70, the worse eye no more than 20/100″. Both eyes must be correctable to 20/20. The SEALs are also known for humanitarian work and disaster relief which means that they help when a disaster of any kind happens they rescue and help those in need.

1. Air Force Special Tactics

The first place of the 6 easiest special forces branch to join list is Air Force Special Tactics. The Air Force Special Tactics have three teams: Combat Controllers, Pararescuemen, and Special Operation Weathermen. Their mission is: “Coordinate, plan and conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and terminal control, provide air traffic control services for expeditionary airfields and assault zones, establish command and control communications, ensure Special Tactics teams are organized, trained and equipped to perform.” Each of the three special teams has specialized intensive training. Combat Control training lasts for 35 weeks in which candidates have to pass all sorts of courses and schools  (like US Army Airborne School, US Air Force Basic Survival School, Combat Control School etc.) after what they gain scarlet beret, Pararescue training is the one in which the soldiers are going through some of the toughest training that exists in US Military and after finishing they earn maroon beret (it includes a lot like U.S. Navy Underwater Egress Training, Paramedic Course, U.S. Army Military Free Fall Parachutist School, etc.) and Special Operations Weather training includes AFSOC’s Advanced Skills Training conducted which produces combat-ready special tactics operators through an intensive mentoring training philosophy.