6 Easiest Special Forces Branch To Join

2. Navy SEALs

Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, and Land) are highly specialized challenging warfare capabilities that the standard military forces cannot fulfill. Their mission includes Direct Action Warfare, Special Reconnaissance, Counter-terrorism, Foreign Internal Defense. Their main motto is to achieve the impossible, and when there is no place you can turn, Navy SEALs are dealing with it. Navy SEALS are using Navy’s advanced equipment like Carriers, Cruisers, Submarines, Littoral Combat Ships, MH-60 Seahawk helicopters etc. All SEAL candidates have to pass PST, have to be 18-28 years old US citizens with high school diploma, have the clean record, ASVAB minimum requirements: SEAL – GS+MC+EI=165 or VE+MK+MC+CS=220 and “uncorrected vision in the better eye can be no worse than 20/70, the worse eye no more than 20/100″. Both eyes must be correctable to 20/20. The SEALs are also known for humanitarian work and disaster relief which means that they help when a disaster of any kind happens they rescue and help those in need.