6. Islam
We are continuing our list of easiest religions to study, convert to and follow with Islam that is one of the biggest religions in the world, and Christians are especially attracted to convert to it, because of its simplicity and doctrine that says that “all that believes in it are equal.” But we will have to put it on the last spot for being easiest to study, as the religious text of Islam, the Quran, is written in Arabic. So, if you don’t know Arabic, you should first take Arabic classes to fully understand Islam, as reading the Quran is one of the first steps to convert to Islam.
Alongside reading the Quran, you should understand the true meaning of becoming a Muslim. When you are able to do these, you can talk to an Imam, the equivalent of priest or pastor in Christianity, and say the shahada which goes “La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur rasulullah”. It means “I testify that there is no other god but Allah, and Muhammad is God’s messenger (prophet).” You should have a witness at your recitation to become officially part of the Muslim community.

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