Looking at that world map and examining one of 200 and spare countries – one must wonder which of these are easiest countries to draw. We are talking borders here, and while they can be considerably convoluted at times, some countries have rather smooth, and even sharp borders which are relatively easy to draw. Usually, smaller country means easier border to draw. However, things don’t have to follow that pattern as we’ll show you in this article.

If borders were any indicator of country’s safety, some of the listed countries would probably be either hard or pretty easy to conquer. Here’s a list of 10 easiest and hardest countries to conquer by our estimation, and it doesn’t really have much to do with respective country’s border complexity. Let us, however, establish a pattern of how we’ll determine easiest countries to draw.
You might think that Australia, for instance, is easy to draw. It’s somewhat rounded and large enough, but that only goes if you’re not aiming for perfection. In order to create truly precise border drawings, respective country’s borders will have to be as smooth as they get. Otherwise, it won’t be that easy to draw them. We have taken some 20 countries that match this criterion into consideration and decided to narrow the choice down in order to finally bring you this list of 6 easiest countries to draw. Bear in mind the fact that this isn’t a competition, but only a short list of 6 easily drawn countries with no particular order.