6 Easiest Coral Species to Grow And Maintain for Beginners

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1. Discosoma

Why are Bubble Mushroom Corals the best starter corals and on the top of our list of 6 easiest coral species to grow and maintain for beginners? These corals that look like mushrooms are very easy to keep and can be a part of any saltwater aquarium. You can put them at the bottom of your tank, because they pretty much like shady corners of the tank and they don’t like intense light so much. They also come in a variety of colors. The price (online) is $15.00 USD and up. You might want to start with beautiful Firefly Mushroom Coral – $32.00 USD or with the or with the Red Mushrooms $17.00 USD.

Easiest Coral Species To Grow And Maintain For Beginners

Tyler Fox/Shutterstock.com


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