6 Easiest, Cheapest and Most Effective Deer Fencing Alternatives For Your Garden

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Deer are the often gardener’s worst enemy, which is why they need to explore the 6 Easiest, Cheapest and Most Effective Deer Fencing Alternatives For your Garden. These creatures may look sweet and innocent, but they’re some of the most destructive in the agricultural world. Building a deer fence is an obvious way to ward off these pests, but to some that just sounds like too much work. So instead of giving up your garden completely (for lack of a fence), your garden can flourish, and maybe you can even plant some of the 10 High Margin Agricultural Products To Grow.



There are many solutions to the ever-present problem of deer, so let’s look at the 6 Easiest, Cheapest and Most Effective Deer Fencing Alternatives For Your Garden.


6. Get a dog (or other protective animal)

On a popular gardening website, one gardener says “In my own garden, my dog Mason is the ultimate frightening device. He sleeps outside near the garden, keeping a vigilant watch for intruders. He sometimes frightens me from a sound sleep when he barks at a rustling in the bushes. But the deer seem to know he’s around, and they have yet to come within 100 feet of the house.” Another gardener says that pigs are a great solution. He states the reason to be is that pigs resemble bears, which easily frighten away any intruders. Donkeys or guinea hens may also frighten them away.


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