1. Dextromethorphan
I began noticing a pattern when skimming through different forums regarding folks who falsely tested positively for PCP. What I kept seeing was people mentioning that any drug containing “DXM” has a decent chance of leading to those results. And luckily, because I was confused as to what DXM actually is, many went on to conclude that it’s an active ingredient in a decent amount of your over-the-counter cough medicines. But WHY is it number one of the 6 drugs that contain Phencyclidine (PCP) and may cause false positive on a drug test? Unlike the first four drugs mentioned that are just coincidentally causing those bogus results, Dextromethorphan actually has a very similar molecular structure to that of phencyclidine’s. And hey, if you ingest enough of it, you may even have a similar psychedelic experience. But… I wouldn’t suggest it!

Pixaby/Public Domain