While passing a driving test is considered a rite of passage for many teenagers around the world, in the 6 countries that have the easiest driving tests, obtaining a driver’s license is but a mere inconvenience. This does seem to be worrying as you would expect stringent measures to be employed to allow a person to operate what is basically tons of steel at over 60 miles per hour. It is no wonder then that countries that have extremely lax rules regarding driving tests also have a high rate of deaths due to traffic accidents. Of course, there are other factors in play as well such as the quality of the roads. On the other hand, traffic accidents are low in countries with high-quality roads, which you can discover 11 countries with the best roads in the world.

Ersler Dmitry/Shutterstock.com
There are over a million deaths each year due to traffic accidents. However, most teenagers are barely concerned with this fact. They are too blinded by the independence that obtaining the coveted driving license entails. If you are such a teenager and want to know the 6 countries that have the easiest driving tests, this list is definitely for you. We have scoured the internet in order to find out about the countries with the easiest driving tests. We have used a variety of sources such as BBC, LinkedIn, Totally Driving, AngloInfo and the AutoExpress to create our ranking.
6. South Korea
While South Korea has an extremely easy driving test, its citizens need to wait at least till the age of 18, and it will still seem tough when compared with the other tests on this list. In South Korea, prior to 2011, the required number of training hours were reduced to nearly half, down to 13 from 25. Once the training hours are complete, you need to take a simple writing and driving test, before paying around over $400 and obtain the license certification.

ben bryant / Shutterstock.com