6 Conspiracy Theories About Princess Diana’s Death

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1. It was Diana’s relationship

Many voices say that the conservative Royal Family wasn’t particularly happy with the relationship the Princess was in following her divorce from Prince Charles, despite his numerous affairs during and following their marriage. What upset them most, some say, is the fact that Dodi Fayed wasn’t a Christian and bringing him into the folds of the Royal Family wasn’t something they desired. Furthermore, rumor had it that Diana was pregnant with Fayed’s baby and they were to be engaged. The engagement part of the theory was confirmed by Fayed’s father.

The theory that Diana was pregnant at the time of her death was debunked by a former coroner who claimed to have attended the post-mortem examination. Either way, this is one of the 6 conspiracy theories about Princess Diana’s death.

Biggest Gate Controversies in History 6 Conspiracy Theories About Princess Diana's Death

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