Did you ever stop to think about the causes of human trafficking in Africa, India, and US?
Even though we do not hear a lot about it in the media, human trafficking is a very real thing in today’s world. Unfortunately. That’s why we’ve decided to dedicate some time to research and raise awareness about this serious issue.
Human trafficking can actually be referred to as modern slavery. And slavery has always been present in human societies, more or less visible to the majority. But in the 21st century, while consciousness about morality, human rights and freedom of speech is on the high levels, it is possible to seriously reexamine the causes of human trafficking and possible solutions for it. One of the solutions might include raising awareness throughout society, and especially paying attention to the most endangered groups of people, such as migrants or asylum seekers, for example.

Artem Furman/Shutterstock.com
However, solutions should come from higher governmental institutions, and we will focus on some of the main causes of human trafficking here. They seem to be more or less similar throughout the world, and there was an interesting research on these causes of human trafficking (pdf version of the whole research can be found here). It states that human trafficking is more frequent in countries with legalized prostitution. Some examples are highly developed countries such as the Netherlands, Italy, and Germany, which are in the group of countries with a “very high” human trafficking inflow, according to this research.
So, although the causes of human trafficking in Latin America are more or less the same as everywhere, Latin America is said to be the “traffic market of the world” and the third region in the world that is the highest source of human trafficking. Sexual exploitation is the most frequent reason for human trafficking in this area. But, today, we’ll focus more on the causes of human trafficking in Africa, India and US.
As we’ve said, human trafficking is present everywhere. So it is true for the Western Countries and third world countries as well, which does not exclude US. On this matter you can see for yourself how much human trafficking is real, and what are the Top US Cities for Human Trafficking in 2019. Also, on the matter of consequences of human trafficking you can see some of the 10 Real Life Human Trafficking Examples and Stories.
In order to get the insight in the causes of human trafficking in Africa, India and the US, we have turned to several sources. These were the publications based on UNESCO’s researches in Africa, sources such as Miami Herald, and some blogs.
So, in the end, we are not proposing any particular solution of human trafficking here, that should be done by some serious instances, but we can point to some of the causes of human trafficking in Africa, India and the US, which will, hopefully, raise the awareness about this horrific exploitation of human beings.