If you are a science freak who likes to attend various festivals related to science, then read our list of 6 biggest science festivals around the world.
Can you imagine what life would be like without science? Probably not because most of the things we now have or know of wouldn’t be here without science. Although the term „scientist“ is relatively new (dates back from the 19th century), science has existed for a long time as people have always felt the need to investigate the natural world. Sometimes, throughout the history, these scientific discoveries were very misleading, false, and silly but mistakes are natural, and however misleading they were, they still represented progress. They brought us one step closer to the truth. If you want to find out which countries make the biggest progress in science then take a look at out list of 15 Smartest Countries in Science, not Math.

Merkushev Vasiliy/Shutterstock.com
Without science, we wouldn’t be able to understand the human body and the life around us. We wouldn’t be able to examine fossilized remains which tell a magnificent story of Earth; we wouldn’t have vaccines (which despite the controversy around them, do save lives), and we wouldn’t be able to cure diseases. Without microscopes, we wouldn’t be able to observe and examine a great part of the world. To make it short, without science, we wouldn’t be able to understand the universe at all.
The first science annual meetings where scientists gathered to discuss their work with one another and with the public, were held by the British Science Association established in 1831. This is where all major scientific advances were presented and discussed. The British Science Association later grew into a science festival we know today and this event has inspired countless other events across the globe, from very small ones to great ones. Nowadays, there are science festivals taking place all around the world. Some of them are pretty new, and small, and some of them host more than 100,000 people. However, the concept of modern science festival comes from Edinburgh when the Economic Development Department decided to include a new type of event to the famous autumn arts festival. Ian Wall, a member of the development team then coined the phrase „science festival“. This is when science festivals started to develop everywhere. In Sweden, there was The International Science Festival in Gothenburg, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science included a number of public events to their annual meetings. The first statewide festival in the United States as of 2010 is the North Carolina Science Festival with over 400 events which take place across the state and last for two weeks.
We have compiled a list of major science festivals in different parts of the world and we ranked them according to the number of visitors. We considered Eusea and the British Science Association when compiling the list. Check out our list of 6 biggest science festivals around the world.