If wedding bells are RINGing, check out the 6 best vintage rose gold diamond engagement rings on Etsy.
I bought a rose gold engagement ring a few months ago. Let me tell you, it was not easy. There are not a ton of truly helpful engagement ring-buying guides. Although there are A TON of engagement ring buying guides.
Luckily my fiancé gave me some general ring shapes that she would like, which was months earlier in a very hypothetical conversation–in order to be stealthy. The only other thing I knew for certain was that she preferred rose gold. Certainly, she would have offered more help, but I wanted it to be a surprise.
Buying the right ring for your engagement is nerve-racking; it’s a fine balance to find something that’s unique, good for the specific tastes of the person you will be asking, in your budget, and surprising. Our list of the 10 Best Vintage Rose Gold Diamond Engagement Rings on Etsy will highlight some nice options if rose gold is the thing for you.

Copyright: ivantsov / 123RF Stock Photo
Worrying about if your fiancé will truly like the ring can take up a lot of your time. And you also have to plan a proposal–which is a whole other ball of confusion. As I said, even if you know the person will appreciate the symbol and the gesture, that doesn’t entirely chase away the worries. If you feel too nervous to gather hints from your intended you can always ask their siblings, parents or close friends for tips or ideas. Depending on the type of person you are dating they may have one all picked out or may have never mentioned it before in their lives. Either way, it doesn’t hurt to ask.
If you are looking for a popular trend in rings then vintage is a good way to go. Often a vintage ring is not just plain beautiful but, it is also comparatively cost effective. And if you get lucky, you might find something that comes with a rich romantic history. Since engagement rings are meant to be worn all your life, vintage rings come with more durability. Moreover, a vintage ring is mostly made designs that are simple and classic– all the more likable to a wider audience.
Where can I find one? Etsy has some of the most successful online shops, some of which offer the best vintage rings. Check out top 10 Most Successful Etsy Shops in 2015!
So, in order to rank 6 best vintage rose gold diamond engagement rings on Etsy, we came with our own strategy. For the rings to qualify as ‘best’ we made sure that they’re made of the best material, hence 10 rings of the highest quality gold and diamonds. Made of pure gold and not just rose gold-colored or plated.
Another factor we considered is how much do they cost? More expensive does not necessarily mean better. Next, how old is the ring? Is it actually vintage or just vintage-style? To be accurate to this title we’ve selected actual vintage (old) rings. So the third criteria were based on age – the older and the rarer, the better. We also took into account how many sizes do they offer, and what are the Etsy seller’s reviews?
Based on everything above, we made the rankings. So, here we go with your 10 best vintage rose gold diamond engagement rings on Etsy: