4. DIY Detox: Summer Menu at Natural Gourmet Institute
User Rating: 4.4 out of 5
Address: Address: 48 W 21st St #2, New York, NY 10010
Any list of cooking classes will not be complete unless it has a class that offers Natural Gourmet Institute. For our list today, we thought the DIY: DeTox class ought to be the perfect one. It is no secret that our bodies produce a lot of toxins through the day, and we must detoxify ourselves if we are to keep fit and healthy. Our bodies are equipped with organs that are dedicated to this job, like lymphatic, kidneys, skin, etc. Now, you could either go the medical route and take drugs to support these organs to be more efficient, or you could do it the good ole natural way, by eating healthy and eating food with therapeutic properties. In the DIY Detox class, you are going to learn how you can use the natural ingredients to cook up some amazing dishes that will also support your organs.