If you are living (or moving to) New York City and are in search for schools that specialize in working with children who have been diagnosed with autism, take a look at our list of 6 best NYC schools for children with autism.
Selecting a proper school for a child is a big decision for every parent. However, the stakes are even higher for parents who have children with autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by repetitive patterns of behavior, difficulties with communication and interaction with other people.
The symptoms are often present from early childhood and affect child’s daily functioning. Some children with ASD avoid eye contact, have delayed speech and language skills, or become preoccupied with repetitive behavior. Despite the fact that there is no “cure” for autism, it is treated with behavioral interventions and therapies. According to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, ideal interventions are those designed to meet the specific needs of the individual. Since autism appears in many different forms and with various symptoms, therapy for each individual must vary accordingly. These therapies are often skill-oriented training sessions that help children to develop social and language skills.
The beginning of school brings many challenges (and a lot of stress) for a child with autism. At the same time, it presents an opportunity to maximize the child’s ability to interact with others and to assimilate better. With this being said, it is essential to choose the best school for your child, where a team of professionals will help you to build a better future for your child. Also, if you are interested in summer camps designed to suit children with special needs, take a look at our list of 10 best summer camps in New York for children with special needs.
It is important to note that there are different types of schools for children with autism. Educational options include: public schools (from your own or different district), charter or magnet schools (these schools receive public funding and often operate using lottery), private schools (parents usually opt for private schools specialized only for children with autism spectrum disorder) and home schooling (choosing to educate your child at home often includes help of therapists and professionally educated personnel).
In order to compile this list 6 best NYC schools for children with autism, I consulted several sources like the website The Best Schools and Google. I then compiled a list of nationally recognized schools specialized for children with autism after extensive research and e-mail inquiries. Schools on this list will include most frequently mentioned schools but they will not be ranked in a way that would claim “this school is better than that one”. Each school on this list is providing excellent education for children with autism and “the best one” is the one that will suit the needs of your child and your family in the best possible way.
Let’s take a look at our list of the 6 best NYC schools for children with autism.