6 Best Injuries to Fake for Pain Meds


4. Shin Splints

Next on our list of best injuries to fake for pain meds are shin splints. However, don’t go thinking you’re going to be getting any real serious pain pills for faking shin splints. They often occur when the muscles near your shins are overused and there is no test that can confirm whether or not you’re full of it because the damage to your muscle is not severe enough to show up on any test. While shin splints aren’t the most painful thing in the world and typically only last a few days, it is possible for the pain to be ongoing for a few weeks and it wouldn’t be too hard to play it off like you need something a little stronger than your over-the-counters. But that’s it!—and you would most likely know better than me what types of painkillers are milder than others, so be sure not to suggest anything too over-the-top or else the doc might smell some foul play. Oh, and I would assume you’d be smart enough to make it seem like you’re having a hard time walking, but it also wouldn’t hurt to mention that you’re not comfortable with a number of over-the-counters you have been taking to dull the pain.

6 Best Injuries to Fake for Pain Meds

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