1. Improvolution
Thanks for sticking around this long with us, Improvolution is our final entry into the list. If you are still confused about diving into the colorful and fun world of improve, then Improvolution is your best bet. We are talking about their INTRO TO IMPROV class. This class will have you visit the improv world and give you a feel for it in a mere three hour period. Yes, this is just a one time thing, you pay up and you drop in for the joyride to improv land. The ultimate experience for any beginner who is curious but not yet ready to fully commit to the world of improv. You will have 3 hours of coaching in this 1 single class, and you will definitely like what you experience in these 3 hours. Of course, if you like to continue your journey, you will have that option as well.

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This was our list of the best improv classes for beginners in NYC. We sincerely hope that you liked our article, and if you did please let us know down below in the comments section. Also help us spread the word by sharing this article over social media.