2. Contact/Impact: Keep your clubface square with the golf ball
Let’s explain our number two on the list of best golf swing techniques for beginners and seniors. By now, I’m sure you’ve caught onto the fact that the positioning of your clubface is one of the key factors in determining whether or not you’re going to have a successful drive.You’re just not going to have good contact at impact if you can’t control your clubface. As easy as it sounds, this is something that amateurs often struggle with. The easiest way to correct this crucial mistake is to recognize that there is a relationship between your right palm and the clubface in that your right palm is a reflection of your clubface. Try a few slow motion swings with your right palm open (or your left if you are a lefty!) until you’ve got it just right! Keep your eye on what your right palm is doing and you’ll quickly be able to square up that club!

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