3. Downswing: Return your front shoulder to its starting position
Okay, nooow it’s starting to get a bit intense. But now’s not the time to start panicking. You’re calm, remember? And anyway, there’s no need to get intimidated, because you have these best golf swing techniques for beginners and seniors, they’re freaking easy! So easy a caveman could do it (I had to say it)! But seriously, your goal in the downswing is to get your front arm back to its starting position. I can’t stress enough that if you’ve been following the tips for each step, this should come quite naturally without much thought. Former professional golfer Johnny Miller even claims it is the best golf swing tip ever. In his article, he states that simply returning your left shoulder (given you are right-handed) to its starting position in your downswing can keep you from slicing or hooking the ball and giving you a clean contact with the ball.

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