4. Backswing: Touch your shoulder to your chin
Here’s where your swing is quickly getting very technical in the movement of your hips to the positioning and angles of your arms and shoulders. It’s easy to start getting overwhelmed in this step and end up with a squirrely shot. Given you have followed the first two steps of the six best golf swing techniques for beginners and seniors, you’re relaxed and your front arm is pushing back, your other arm should naturally pull it back. While many sources will advise you to bring your swing back a certain distance, it really is up to you to find your own sweet spot. Regardless of where that is, your shoulder should be touching your chin before you begin the next step. If it’s not, then it’s safe to bet that your positioning is a bit off, however, if you’re following the steps, again, they’re so straightforward that the rest of your body should instinctively be following along in a good form.

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