5. Takeaway: Keep your clubface forward
Among other best golf swing techniques for beginners and seniors, this step might not be as straightforward as the set-up where you are, obviously setting up your swing. The takeaway is that first movement leading into your backswing, or according to Jack Nicklaus, roughly the first 18 inches of your swing. He also states that the takeaway is the most important part of the swing, and I must say that I do believe it is highly underrated, as it is often not given very much thought; which is kind of a bummer considering if your takeaway is crap, then your whole swing is pretty likely to be a bust. As with any of these steps, there are dozens of tips to get the moves just right, but in all reality, all you really need to remember is to keep your club face forward. Once the face of your club starts to go awry, forget it! You won’t have as much control and you’ll end up slicing at balls! A simple way to ensure proper club face positioning during your takeaway is to push the club straight back with your front arm. So, if you are right-handed you would simply push straight back with your left arm. Piece of cake!

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