If you are looking for best generic cigarette brands like Marlboro Lights, Reds, or Newports, we will be glad to help you.
The prices of cigarettes are rising all over the world. No, the company that produces your favorite cigarette brand isn’t keen on squeezing more money out of you by using your addiction (at least nothing more than usual). The reason why the cigarettes are more expensive now than ever lies in the fact that the governments are raising the taxes, forcing the rise in prices, in hope that this will make people smoke less. Either this worked or maybe people have started taking their health more seriously now with all the healthy lifestyle trend, seeing that the consumption of tobacco has seen a steady decrease in the recent years. According to Washington Post, 50 years ago, two out of five adults in the United States were smokers. In 2005, that number was almost cut in half, when 20.9 percent of adults consumed cigarettes. Statistics from 2014 are even more promising, showing that only 16.8 percent of adults smoked cigarettes. The estimations are that in 2020 there will be less than 12 percent of adult smokers.

defotoberg / Shutterstock.com
I smoke cigarettes for around 8 to 10 years now, and I am aware of both financial and health costs, but somehow I lack the will to quit. If you also lack a strong will, but you are tired of giving out money for big name brand cigarettes like Marlboro Reds, generic brands are always a good choice. Generic brands are usually not promoted heavily, which allows them to be more affordable. Since generic brands aim to be a substitute for better-known brands, the quality is often satisfying. In case you only look at the price when you are deciding on the purchase, check out our list of 10 Good Cheapest Cigarette Brands in 2017.
By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.
In order to find the best generic cigarette brands like Marlboro Lights, Reds, or Newports we looked through multiple forum topics on Topix, Yahoo (first, second, third) and Cig Reviews (first, second) among others. All the cigarette brands that were recommended as a cheaper substitution for any of these brands were then checked for their rating on Cig Reviews. If the users didn’t state if they are talking about regulars or 100’s, we took the average rating. The best-rated brands entered our list.
6. USA Gold Lights
Rating: 3.5
While the 100’s have a 5-star rating, the regulars have 2, which affected the USA Gold Lights’ rank on our list. It was recommended as a substitute for Marlboro Lights and costs below $30 a carton. Some people even said they like it better than Marlboro.

Ahmad A Atwah/Shutterstock.com
5. American Spirit Lights
Rating: 4
Although these are lights, they were recommended as a substitute for Marlboro Reds. Users say that they are very clean, with long lasting flavor and strong burn. Some users recommended it also as a substitute for Camel Lights.

4. Pall Mall Lights
Rating: 4
Both the regulars and 100’s gained 4-star rating, so there shouldn’t be any doubt here. Smokers mostly praised the price and the flavor, while some even said it doesn’t make them cough like some other brands. This entry on our list of best generic cigarette brands like Marlboro Lights, Reds, or Newports will cost you as low as $16 in some stores.

3. Carnival Full Flavor
Rating: 4
Another good substitute for Marlboro Reds on our list of best generic cigarette brands like Marlboro Lights, Reds, or Newports. While the regulars are rated with 5 stars, the 100’s received 3 stars. This cigarette brand comes from South Korea and according to people who have smoked it; it’s the cheapest taste of Marlboro Reds you can find. While most people praised the brand, there were some who complained about the smell. Also, strangely, some minded the design change of the pack and said that influenced the lower rating.

Copyright: nomadsoul1 / 123RF Stock Photo
2. Maverick Menthols
Rating: 4.5
Don’t worry; there is a Newports substitute on the list of best generic cigarette brands like Marlboro Lights, Reds, or Newports as well. The 100’s are rated with 5 stars, while the regulars received 4. There is a good buzz about this brand, and most people absolutely love the flavor. Some even went so far to claim that they taste just like Newports but are better because of the price.

1. Maverick Lights
Rating: 4.5
It looks like Maverick should be your top choice if you look for the best generic cigarette brands like Marlboro Lights, Reds, or Newports. Ok, Maverick Lights are mainly there to substitute Marlboro Lights, but still, you can give them a try. Unlike Maverick Menthols, Maverick Lights regulars were rated with 5 stars, but 100’s received 4. Most users switched to this brand when the price of Marlboro Lights went up, and they didn’t look back. Besides the price, users like the brand’s smoothness and slow burn.

Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH / Shutterstock.com