50 Things to Do When Bored

Boredom is an inevitable and common feeling which is associated with feelings of indifference and dissatisfaction with an activity. Boredom can be experienced when an individual is quite energetic, but there appears to be no channel for utilization of that energy. It can also be experienced at intervals when focusing on a definite task becomes arduous, and dissociation of the attention span becomes common.

Boredom protects us from stagnation, both intellectual and emotional. It helps us to move forward and engage in novel activities so that we can express ourselves better. Boredom is followed by two choices which are either creativity or perpetual displeasure. Creativity and indulgence are the cure for depression and anxiety. According to Forbes, creativity (in any form) mitigates stress, depression, and anxiety by providing an effective channel to express emotions.

Our Methodology

For our list of the 50 things to do when bored, we would be using a few sources from Pinterest. Pinterest is a visual discovery engine used to find creative content and appreciate novel designs and illustrations put together by global artists.

Research shows that individuals that are prone to higher levels of boredom perform poorly on tasks that require attention. So, it is an individual choice (considering one’s attention span and level of boredom) whether one would like to indulge in something creative or just foster the displeasure somewhere less demanding. Boredom is usually an empty sort of feeling with a sense of frustration. It is important to differentiate boredom from anxiety or stress. Boredom could be replaced with feelings of usefulness and productivity, but anxiety and stress need to be addressed differently.

With this context in mind, let’s now begin our list of 50 things to do when bored.

50 Things to Do When Bored

50. Make Up a Song on Your Own

Write down random song lyrics and align them with a catchy tune. Sing it aloud and record it in the form of a voice note. Make changes in the lyrics and experiment with different tunes. Record all these songs and pick the best song to send to a friend.

49. Create an Obstacle Course and Time Yourself

This activity might appear to be foolish, but it can be beneficial in figuring out individual agility levels and the ability to dodge obstacles effectively. There are readings present online with normal agility levels and the minimum time required for an individual to perform such tests. A score below normal may indicate balance or posture problems. 

48. Make Something From Play Dough

Mold the dough into interesting new shapes and if you want to turn it into a permanent decoration piece, let it dry for a few days. The dried play dough structure could be painted and used to enhance the aesthetics of any room or living space.

47. Make a Photo Album

Assemble all of your pictures together and paste them on a photo album which you can decorate with tiny gemstones and dried colorful flowers.

46. Create a Play

Create your own play, picturing yourself as the director and producer. Put together the story, climax, characters, and venue on a notepad in an appropriate order.

45. Make a Playlist

Assemble all your favorite songs in the form of a playlist. You can also share the playlist with your friends and loved ones to make them feel special.

44. Play Balloon Volleyball

Convince any member of your household to play balloon volleyball with you. It will not only be an interesting way to warm up but also this kind of volleyball won’t hurt your ankles.

43. Learn Origami

Origami is the art of making shapes from paper. It is a very exciting form of art once learned. Try learning origami and experiment with different shapes and structures.

42. Make Some Puppets

Recycle your old socks and turn them into puppets. You can also organize a mini puppet show for your siblings or the kids of the neighborhood.

41. Solve a Puzzle

Whether it’s a complex jigsaw puzzle or a Rubix cube, solve it. Take your time and work to figure it out.

40. Sign Up for Volunteer Work

If you’re bored, you can sign up for volunteer work and turn your negative emotions into affirmative feelings

39. Make Popsicles

Blend your favorite fruits and ice into an icy mixture and pour them into Popsicle trays. Experiment with different fruits and flavors.

38. Watch a Documentary

If you wish to know more about a certain event, many documentaries are available online for this very reason. You can find some of the best documentaries on Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX),  YouTube, Amazon Prime Video (NASDAQ: AMZN), HBO Now, or AppleTV+ (NASDAQ: AAPL).

37. Research

Research about something you’ve been meaning to learn more about.

36. Find a New Affirmation for Your Week

Affirmations are words that motivate you and help foster affirmative or positive feelings in you. You can decide on a couple of affirmations to keep you motivated throughout the week.

35. Take a Long Bath

Take a long bath with scented candles and body lotions. Such long relaxing baths ought to foster feelings of self-love.

34. Listen to a Podcast

There are many useful podcasts present online. Dive in and find something that could help you in the long run.

33. Fix Your Resume

Edit your resume, adding new milestones and skills. You can also create a new resume with a different design and style.

32. Write a Letter to Your Younger Self

Address yourself and tell her everything that you learned so far about life and people. She could use some advice.

31. Make a Planner

Make a schedule for yourself to enhance productivity and to assign an adequate time range to each task.

30. Call Your Friends

Call your best friend and tell her about the happenings of your life. Reminisce old embarrassing stories and laugh together.

29. Play Some Board Games

Convince your friends or siblings to play a live board game with you, or you can play with anyone online.

28. Do Some Yoga

Practice new yoga positions, incorporating them with meditation. Try it out with a friend if you have anyone in mind.

27. Watch a Movie

Pick a genre and look for movies with the highest rating and best reviews in that specific genre.

26. Cook for Your Family

Ask your family what they’d like to eat and experiment in the kitchen with Chinese, Italian, or any kind of international cuisine.

25. Learn a New Skill

Learning a new skill can help you feel productive. The skill might be anything that fascinates you, from pottery to thread work.

24. Sell Your Old Clothes:

If you possess old clothes that you don’t wear anymore, there are many websites online where you can sell these clothes.

23. Search for Your Spiritual Animal

Research on different animals and compare their traits with your behavior patterns and instigate the quest for your spirit animal.

22. Explore a New Music Genre

If you are a fan of country music, try a new genre like rock or pop. Trying a new genre of music is always an interesting option.

21. Stargaze

If it is nighttime, and you seem to be bored. Lay down and stare at the sky. You can also count the stars, other than appreciating their beauty.

20. Plant Some Flowers in the Garden

Buy some seeds and dig them inside the garden or buy a grown plant and take care of it.

19. Do Some Online Shopping

You can scroll online stores for clothes, jewelry, food, or anything. You can surf through different stores before actually buying something.

18. Binge-Watch Your Favorite Show

New television shows can be demanding, but rewatching old shows not only relieves anxiety but resurfaces feelings of nostalgia, making an individual feel less stressed and displeased. You can find your favorite shows and movies on Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX),  YouTube, Amazon Prime Video (NASDAQ: AMZN), HBO Now, or AppleTV+ (NASDAQ: AAPL), subject to their availability.

17. Make a Bucket List

Take out a notepad and list down ten places you’d love to visit accompanied with a valid reason.

16. Edit some Pictures

Reassemble your good pictures and edit them to enhance the aesthetics or tweak up the dimensions of the image.

15. Connect with Your Siblings

While spending the entire day watching shows on Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX),  YouTube, Amazon Prime Video (NASDAQ: AMZN), HBO Now, or AppleTV+ (NASDAQ: AAPL) might appear very attractive, nothing beats bonding with your siblings. Listening to your siblings narrate the old embarrassing stories can never get boring.

14. Do Skincare

Follow an online tutorial and cleanse or scrub using natural products. Experiment with new skincare trends as per your skin type.

13. Read a Book

Reading a nice book with ample time at your disposal is never a bad idea. 

12. Put Some Makeup On

It is amusing to try new makeup trends, but if you’re still a beginner, it is never too late to start learning the basics.

11. Make a Fruit Salad

One can also slice down their favorite fruits into little cubes, make a fruit salad for themselves and enjoy the natural flavor it possesses.

10. Workout

Instead of spending time pointlessly scrolling through Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX),  YouTube, Amazon Prime Video (NASDAQ: AMZN), HBO Now, or AppleTV+ (NASDAQ: AAPL), take up a healthy physical activity. Workout can increase the endorphins in your body, making you feel satisfied and happy. It also fosters feelings of self-love and confidence, making it an ideal activity to perform during moments of despondency. 

9. Bake Some Cookies or Cake

Baking is a rewarding option to consider with ample time in one’s hand. Baking is a meticulous process that needs to be carried out with patience. Despite the hard work, freshly baked cookies and cake appear worthy of sweat and diligence.

8. Tidy your Photo Gallery

The unnecessary photos in our gallery take up a significant portion of space; tidying up the gallery is crucial before the cell phone memory collapses and one is left with the mere choice of restoration.

7. Put on a Face Mask

Self-care is extremely crucial amidst quarantine. It not only helps with boosting self-esteem but also improves the discreet connection with oneself.

6. Learn TikTok Dances

TikTok is a well-known application for Zoomers. Each day a new trend is resurfaced with modern dance moves and music. Learning some trendy dance moves can not only assist with stretching the hamstrings but could also be gratifying.

In this article, we discuss the 5 things to do when bored. If you want to read our detailed analysis of these activities, go directly to the 50 Things to Do When Bored.

5. Color on Some Printables

There are several adult coloring books available in the market that are ideal for activating the creative part of the brain and mitigating stress. Customized printable pages are available as well.

Photo by Customerbox on Unsplash

4. Organize Your Room

A disorganized room enhances feelings of stress and anxiety, but cleaning and organizing assist an individual in taking control of their environment and create a comfortable space that helps to improve the attention span.

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Alexandra Gorn/Unsplash.com

3. Write Letters to Your Friends

Bring all the primary grade letter writing classes in handy and write an elaborate letter to your friend who lives away from your city.

Writing Postcard Letter

Pixabay/Public Domain

2. Learn to Play an Instrument

One can learn to play an instrument by either borrowing one from a friend or downloading an application from the app store. There are hundreds of youtube tutorials and edX courses that teach instruments for free.

Learning to play an instrument


1. Write a Poem

One doesn’t need to be a writer or a poet to appreciate poems. Writing a poem in the memo or notes app of the mobile phone is not only convenient but could also help to reflect on one’s emotions.



You can also take a peek at the 20 Best Ways To Lose Weight and 30 Best Movies On Netflix.