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50 Most Populated Countries in 2100

In this article, we will list countries with the largest populations in 2100 and their forecasted demographic patterns. You can skip our detailed overview of the world’s population dynamics and read 10 Most Populated Countries in 2100

Global Population Trends and Forecasts 

In 2022, the world’s population reached a milestone of 8 billion, a significant increase from the 2.5 billion recorded in 1950. The growth represents a tripling of the global population since the mid-20th century. According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), there has been an addition of 1 billion people since 2010 alone. By 2030, the world population is projected to reach around 8.5 billion and is expected to rise to 9.7 billion by 2050.

UN DESA observes that between 1950 and 2050, the highest growth rate occurred between 1962 and 1965, during the baby boom era, averaging 2.1% annually. However, this rate has since declined by more than half, primarily due to reduced fertility rates. In 2020, the global population growth rate fell below 1% for the first time since 1950 and is expected to continue slowing. 

Population trends vary significantly across regions. Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, along with Central and South Asia, are currently the most populous regions in the world. China and India, each with more than 1.4 billion people in 2022, are the largest contributors to these numbers. Meanwhile, sub-Saharan Africa is projected to grow substantially, with its population expected to nearly double by the late 2040s, driven by high fertility rates. Consequently, Asia and Africa will likely be home to many of the most populated countries in 2100.

In contrast, Europe and Northern America have experienced minimal annual population growth since the mid-1960s, with growth rates nearing zero in 2020 and 2021. Additionally, the population of 61 countries is expected to decrease by at least 1% between 2022 and 2050. Significant declines are projected in countries like Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Serbia, and Ukraine, with some facing annual reductions of over 20%. China, projected to be one of the most populated countries in 2050, is also expected to see a decline in population starting this year, with projections suggesting a possible halving of its population by 2100.

Also Read: 50 Most Densely Populated Countries in the World.

Population Growth: A Ticking Time Bomb?

A major worry with the projected population growth even by 2050 is how it will be sustained when it comes to food. Unsustainable agriculture has caused 40% of the land to lose significant yield capacity. On top of that, 90% of the world’s soil is further at risk by 2050, per the UN. As the population size crosses the 10 billion threshold by 2050, the food supply will have to increase by nearly 60% by conservative estimates to sustain the population and avoid major food insecurity crises around the world. You can read further about it in our list of the most advanced countries in Ag-Tech.

Food aside, general resource consumption per person will have increased by 75% by 2050 according to UN estimates, given economic growth, while already, the consumption is 1.8 times higher than earth’s regeneration capacity.

These alarming statistics have already put some into action. For example, Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s FarmBeats is an effective technology that employs machine learning to track soil’s features to help farmers conserve water by efficient irrigation management, since we’re running out of water, with inefficient agricultural practices being a major cause.

Then there’s industry giants like Corteva, Inc. (NYSE:CTVA), which is developing technologies to increase crop yield and reduce crop variability across seasons regardless of how the weather is like. Corteva, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTVA) is also investing in the use of microbes to fight off weeds.

Food insecurity pressures are already here and have only been exaceberated by Russia’s war on Ukraine, since Ukraine accounts for 10% of the global wheat market, per the European Commission. The war has caused Ukraine’s agricultural productivity in most crops to go down by 30 to 40%. In this regard, Corteva, Inc. (NYSE:CTVA) is collaborating with USAID and is increasing its production of hybrid corn and sunflower seeds by 30% in that part of the world over the next 5 years to ensure that the Ukrainian farmers are well-supplied. All in all, the collaboration is supporting 29% of the Ukrainian agricultural industry.

Also Read: 30 Countries With Highest Rates of Population Growth.

Let’s now talk about the countries with the largest populations in 2100!

50 Most Populated Countries in 2100

Our Methodology

To identify countries projected to have the largest populations in 2100, we referred to INED (Institut National d’Études Démographiques), a French institute specializing in demographic research. INED offers population projections under various scenarios (low, middle, and high growth) from 2050 to 2100. We enhanced our analysis by cross-referencing these projections with our previous research on the most populated countries in 2030 and 2050. The countries were then ranked in ascending order according to their projected populations in 2100.

Based on the estimates, here are the 50 most populated countries in 2100:

50. Colombia 

Projected Population in 2100: 45.9 million 

Colombia’s population growth, driven by natural increase with births outnumbering deaths, is offset, to some extent, by a negative net migration. Consequently, the population is expected to decrease from a projected 54 million in 2050 to 45.9 million by 2100, but its population would still be among the highest worldwide by 2100.

49. Benin 

Projected Population in 2100: 46 million 

In Benin, a natural increase is the main driver of population growth, with minimal impact from migration. While Benin will not be among the most populated countries in 2030 or 2050, its population is expected to steadily increase from the current 13.8 million to 46 million by 2100.

48. Argentina 

Projected Population in 2100: 47.6 million 

Argentina’s modest population growth is supported by natural increase and immigration. The population will peak at 50 million by 2050 and then slightly decline. However, this decline is not expected to significantly affect Argentina’s ranking among the most populated countries in 2100.

47. Saudi Arabia 

Projected Population in 2100: 50.4 million 

Saudi Arabia, with a high proportion of immigrants, is experiencing rising population numbers. Also, the country’s demographic structure, characterized by an expanding pyramid, suggests high birth rates.

46. Uzbekistan 

Projected Population in 2100: 50.8 million 

With approximately 60% of its current population under 30 years old, Uzbekistan has a youthful demographic, with the fertility rates also being high. The country’s population, currently at 34.9 million, is expected to reach 39.4 million in 2030 and 45.4 million by 2050.

45. Myanmar 

Projected Population in 2100: 52.5 million 

Myanmar’s population is forecasted to increase from 54 million in 2023 to 59.7 million by 2050. The expanding demographic pyramid and low life expectancy highlight healthcare and education challenges that are typical of underdeveloped countries.

44. Canada

Projected Population in 2100: 53.8 million 

Canada experienced a population increase of over 1 million between 2022 and 2023, attributed to its status as one of the most immigrant-friendly countries. This growth is driven by permanent and temporary immigrants, including a record number of work permit holders.

43. Malawi 

Projected Population in 2100: 58 million 

Malawi, one of the countries with the highest poverty rates, has a high birth rate of 3.9 children per woman, contributing to a continuous population increase.

42. France 

Projected Population in 2100: 60.9 million

France’s population in 2023 remains stable, with a slight increase of 0.20% from the previous year. Reflecting an aging population, the current total of 64.5 million is projected to rise to 68.9 million in 2050 before a subsequent projected decline to 60.9 million by 2100.

41. Burkina Faso 

Projected Population in 2100: 61.5 million 

Burkina Faso’s population of 23 million is projected to surge by 167% to 61.5 million by 2100. The country has an average birth rate of 4.14 children per woman and an annual population growth rate of 2.46%.

40. Senegal 

Projected Population in 2100: 62 million 

In 2023, Senegal’s fertility rate stands at 4.17, contributing to a population growth rate of 2.52%. Currently, at 20.5 million, the population is expected to triple to 62 million by 2100. With an under-five mortality rate of 38.5 (higher than the global average of 28) and limited contraceptive use (22%), the population continues to grow steadily, making Senegal one of the countries with the largest populations in 2100.

39. Zambia 

Projected Population in 2100: 63.6 million 

Zambia, ranked 19th in global fertility rates in 2023, has an annual population growth rate of 2.86%. Notably, 47.9% of the population faces multidimensional poverty despite recent economic improvements.

38. Chad 

Projected Population in 2100: 65.1 million 

Chad is expected to face a significant population increase, from 18 million in 2023 to 65 million by 2100. The growth is primarily due to a high fertility rate of 5.35 children per woman and a population growth rate of 3.05%.

37. Somalia 

Projected Population in 2100: 66.3 million 

Somalia’s rapid population growth continues despite civil war and famine, driven by a high fertility rate and a significant proportion of people of reproductive age. The country’s low contraceptive prevalence rate of 7% exacerbates the growth, placing it among the most populated countries in 2100.

36. Algeria 

Projected Population in 2100: 67.8 million 

Algeria’s population, currently at 45 million, is projected to increase to 49.7 million by 2030 and 59 million by 2050.

35. Germany 

Projected Population in 2100: 68.9 million 

Germany is experiencing a slight decline in population growth, influenced by a higher death rate compared to births. The population is projected to decrease from the current 83 million to 68 million by 2100.

34. United Kingdom 

Projected Population in 2100: 70.5 million 

The United Kingdom has seen a steady population growth in recent years. This trend is expected to continue until 2050, followed by a decline to 70.5 million by 2100, down from 71 million in 2050.

Also Read: 50 Most Populated Countries In 2030

33. Ghana 

Projected Population in 2100: 72.7 million 

Ghana’s annual population growth rate of 2% will result in an increase from 34 million in 2023 to 51 million by 2050 and eventually 72.7 million by 2100.

32. Japan 

Projected Population in 2100: 73 million 

Japan’s population is continuously declining due to low fertility rates and an aging population. The current population of 123 million is expected to decrease to 119 million by 2030 and 104 million by 2050. This downward trend will bring the population to 73 million by 2100, yet Japan will remain among the most populous countries.

31. Yemen 

Projected Population in 2100: 74 million 

Yemen, with a high population growth rate of 3%, is projected to continue growing despite economic and social challenges. The population is expected to exceed 54 million by 2050.

30. South Africa 

Projected Population in 2100: 76.4 million

South Africa is experiencing population growth due to high fertility. The country’s population of 60 million in 2023 is expected to reach 73.4 million by 2050, increasing to 76.4 million by 2100.

29. Iran 

Projected Population in 2100: 80 million

Iran’s population is projected to rise to 98 million by 2050 before declining to 80 million by 2100. This later decrease is attributed to more effective family planning policies and, subsequently, lower birth rates.

28. Turkey 

Projected Population in 2100: 82 million 

Since 1927, Turkey’s population has grown more than sixfold, with rapid growth following World War II. However, the growth has slowed due to decreasing birth rates. Currently, about half of the population is under 30 years of age. The population is projected to peak at 95 million by 2050 before decreasing to 82 million by 2100.

27. Madagascar 

Projected Population in 2100: 83 million 

Madagascar’s population is increasing rapidly, and it is expected to grow from 29.9 million in 2023 to 51 million by 2050 and continue rising to 83 million by 2100. A significant portion of the population is under 15 years of age, indicating that this high growth rate will likely persist.

26. Cameroon 

Projected Population in 2100: 86.8 million 

Cameroon’s population is predominantly young, with over 60% under 25 as of 2020. The country has a high fertility rate, contributing to a population growth rate of 2.73%.

25. Mali 

Projected Population in 2100: 87 million 

Mali currently has the 11th highest population growth rate in the world at 2.93%. The country’s population of 23.2 million in 2023 is projected to consistently grow to 87 million by 2100.

24. Côte d’Ivoire 

Projected Population in 2100: 89 million 

Côte d’Ivoire’s population is expected to increase from 28.5 million in 2023 to 50.9 million in 2050, driven by high fertility rates. The young demographic profile indicates continued growth, with a large portion of the population being of reproductive age.

23. Vietnam 

Projected Population in 2100: 91 million 

Vietnam, nearing a population of 100 million and ranked currently as the 15th most populous country, is projected to reach 107 million by 2050 with the population size shrinking afterwards. The country has a high proportion of young people, providing a demographic opportunity until 2039.

22. Mozambique 

Projected Population in 2100: 105.9 million

With a growth rate of 2.55%, Mozambique’s population is expected to increase to 62 million by 2050 and further to 105.9 million by 2100. Despite challenges like poverty and limited education access, the country has seen a steady decrease in mortality rates, especially among children.

21. Afghanistan 

Projected Population in 2100: 110.7 million

Afghanistan’s population has seen rapid growth, doubling from 19 million in 2000 to 38 million by 2020. The size is expected to continue to increase, reaching 73.4 million in 2050 and 110.7 million by 2100. Efforts by the Afghan government and international support aim to improve healthcare and education, potentially influencing future population growth patterns.

20. Iraq 

Projected Population in 2100: 111 million

Iraq’s population is projected to be 45 million in 2030, influenced by a high birth rate and a youthful demographic. The country’s fertility rate, above the global average, will contribute to a population increase of 111 million by 2100, making it one of the most populous countries by 2100.

19. Russia 

Projected Population in 2100: 112 million 

Russia’s population is gradually decreasing due to an aging population and reduced birth rate. From 144 million in 2023, the population is expected to decrease to 133 million by 2050 and further to 112 million by 2100.

18. Kenya 

Projected Population in 2100: 112.4 million 

Kenya’s current population of 55 million is set to more than double, reaching 112.4 million by 2100. This growth, one of the highest in Africa, is driven by high fertility rates and decreasing mortality rates.

17. Mexico 

Projected Population in 2100: 116 million 

Mexico’s population growth has moderated recently due to declining fertility rates, a trend seen across Latin America. Despite this slowdown, the population is expected to grow to 143 million by 2050 before decreasing to 116 million by 2100.

16. Uganda 

Projected Population in 2100: 131 million

Uganda, with the world’s eighth highest population growth rate at 3.2% and a fertility rate of 5.26 births per woman, faces challenges in providing healthcare and economic opportunities, especially in rural areas. The population is projected to continue its rapid expansion,

15. Angola 

Projected Population in 2100: 132.5 million 

Angola’s population, currently at 36 million, is increasing rapidly and is expected to reach 132.5 million by 2100. This growth is supported by a youthful demographic and declining mortality rates.

14. Sudan 

Projected Population in 2100: 141 million 

Sudan’s population growth continues despite political and economic challenges, driven by high fertility rates and a young population.

13. Bangladesh 

Projected Population in 2100: 176 million 

Despite a significant decline in fertility rates, Bangladesh’s population density ensures continued growth. The population of 172 million is projected to peak at 202 million in 2050 before declining to 176 million by 2100.

12. Philippines 

Projected Population in 2100: 180 million 

The Philippines is experiencing sustained population growth, projected to reach 180 million by 2100, up from 157 million in 2050. This growth is supported by a substantial proportion of young people.

11. Brazil 

Projected Population in 2100: 185 million 

Brazil’s population, currently at 216 million, is expected to rise to 233 million by 2050, then gradually decrease to 185 million by 2100. The demographic shift towards an older population presents new challenges and opportunities for sustainable development and social policies.

Click to continue reading and see 10 Most Populated Countries in 2100

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Disclosure: None.  50 Most Populated Countries in 2100 is originally published at Insider Monkey.

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