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50 Most Densely Populated Cities in the World

In this piece, we will take a look at the fifty most densely populated cities in the world. For more cities, head on over to 10 Most Densely Populated Cities in the World.

The link between population growth and economic output is quite well known. A large population leaves more people available for productive labor, enabling greater output. At the same time, if the population remains unskilled, then instead of being productive, they can end up being a drain on societal resources.

Additionally, population growth is often uneven. The growth in urbanization often leads to more people moving to cities in search of better job prospects and standards of living. Data from the United Nations shows that as compared to 30% of the world’s population that lived in cities in 1950, this percentage grew to 55% in 2018 and is further estimated to sit at 68% by the end of 2050. Europe, North America, and Latin America are some of the most urbanized regions in the world – with Asia, the world’s largest continent, being relatively less urbanized.

This urbanization, and the corresponding growth in population density i.e. the number of people that live in a unit of area, also has benefits for a variety of industries. One industry that has grown rapidly over these past few years, particularly in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic is food delivery. Research from the consulting firm McKinsey shows that the food delivery market is currently worth a massive $150 billion. It also has some interesting data about the impact that population density has on the efficiency of food delivery. It shares that with the passage of time, food delivery companies are expanding their operational footprint to now target regions with lower population densities. This shift is likely to increase the overall cost a customer has to bear for ordering food online since restaurant commission fees and driver costs grow over time.

Another industry that also sees an impact from population density is broadband internet. Some believe that there is a direct mathematical impact of population density on internet coverage. Or at least that’s what experts from the engineering consulting firm NetForecast believe. Using data from the Communications Workers of America (CWA), they show that upload speeds are dependent on 335 + people per square mile, and download speed equals 4.7x the upload speed. At the same time, population densities also often see network coverage providers focus on denser areas since it is easier to recuperate costs. At the same time, this gap is also starting to be filled by new companies utilizing advanced technologies to cover low density areas. One such firm is Space Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX). While SpaceX started out as a rocket company, it now has a subsidiary called Starlink. Starlink operates the world’s largest satellite internet constellation with the primary objective of providing internet coverage to some of the most underserved regions in both America and the world. On this front, Starlink has become one of the few internet companies that has successfully provided low cost and high speed internet to users in some of the most remote and scarcely populated regions in the world, such as the polar areas of Alaska.

In fact, Alaskans are quite happy with their Starlink internet coverage. They have expressed their appreciation to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) multiple times as part of proceedings that could have seen SpaceX’s services become limited as the 12GHz downlink spectrum used by the Starlink user dishes was opened up to coverage for multi video data distribution services (MVDDS) providers. While the FCC has ruled out such changes, it’s informative to look at how a teacher in Alaska appreciated Starlink as SpaceX was struggling to secure approval for a modification.

In a 2021 letter, Alaskan teacher Joel M. Thomas wrote to the Commission and stated:

Dear Ms. Dortch,

I am a teacher and school administrator in western Alaska and am writing in support of the Star Link program . Our region’s main existing internet provider GCI provides a subpar service at an extreme premium price point; most families in Western Alaska including my own do not have internet service in their home because the cost is too high. We need more competition to increase the quality of service so that students and families can have a more reliable educational experience during the current pandemic and beyond. I have already signed up for Star Link should it become a viable service and am more than willing to make the initial investment in equipment.

Respectfully, Joel M. Thomas

With these details in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most densely populated cities in the world.

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Our Methodology

To compile our list of the world’s most densely populated cities, we first consulted several reliable data sources and lists on the world’s most populous cities. Then, each of their population estimates was individually determined through the latest census figures. These estimates were divided by the cities’ area in square kilometers. Finally, the most densely populated cities were chosen.

Most Densely Populated Cities in the World

50. Kathmandu, Nepal

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 17,261

Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal. It has a population of 845,767, leading to 17,261 people living in a square kilometer of its territory.

49. Kotsyubyns’ke, Ukraine

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 17,623

Kotsyubyns’ke is a Ukrainian municipality. It covers less than a square kilometer of area.

48. West New York, United States

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 17,637

West New York is a town in New Jersey, United States. Its latest population, according to the 2020 U.S. Census was 52,912 making it the third most densely populated region in America.

47. Quezon City, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 17,823

Quezon City is the largest city in the Philippines in terms of population with almost three million people living in its boundaries.

46. Le Pré-Saint-Gervais, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 17,950

Le Pré-Saint-Gervais is a French commune with a population of 17,950 and a square kilometer in area – making it one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

45. Nea Smyrni, Greece

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 18,273

Nea Smyrni is a Southern Greek city.

44. Principality of Monaco

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 18,654

The Principality of Monaco is a city and a country. It covers an area of just two square kilometers and has a population of 37,308.

43. City of Las Piñas, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 18,947

The City of Las Piñas is a city in the Philippines. It has a population of 606,293 and covers an area of 32 square kilometers.

42. General Mariano Alvarez, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 19,159

Yes, General Mariano Alvarez is a city in the Philippines. And yes, it’s named after a general.

41. Kallithea, Greece

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 19,224

Kallithea is one of the largest municipalities in Greece. The latest census put its population at 96,118.

40. City of Marikina, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 19,829

The City of Marikina houses close to half a million people and is located close to the capital city of Manila.

39. Paris, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,025

Paris is the capital city of France. It is an economic hub in the country and Europe.

38. Hoboken, United States

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,139

Hoboken is a city in the U.S. state of New Jersey. It is part of the New York metropolitan area.

37. Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,152

Boulogne-Billancourt is one of the richer areas in France and has the headquarters of several large firms such as Carrefour and Renault.

36. Colombo, Sri Lanka

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,351

Colombo is the capital and the largest city of Sri Lanka. It houses a little over seven hundred thousand people.

35. Giv’atayim, Israel

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,427

Giv’atayim is an Israeli city. It houses 61,281 people and covers three square kilometers.

34. Courbevoie, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,519

Courbevoie is a French city best known for hosting the headquarters of the energy company Total.

33. Howrah, India

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,618

Howrah is an Indian city with a population of a million people.

32. City of Navotas, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,629

The City of Navotas has one of the largest fishing ports in the world.

31. Mumbai, India

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,634

Mumbai is an economic hub and financial capital of the Republic of India.

30. Clichy, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 20,978

Clichy houses some of the largest firms in the world such as L’Oreal and Bic.

29. City of San Juan, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 21,058

The City of San Juan houses 126,347 people and covers an area of six square kilometers.

28. Asmara, Eritrea

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 21,400

Asmara is one of the largest cities in Eritrea. It is also the country’s capital.

27. Macau, China

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 21,437

Macau is a special region of China. It houses 643,100 people and has an area of 30 square kilometers.

26. Koekelberg, Belgium

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 22,023

Koekelberg is a Belgian municipality with an area of one square kilometer.

25. Damascus, Syria

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 22,221

Damascus is the capital city of Syria. It is also one of the oldest cities in the world, with a history stretching back to thousands of years.

24. Mislata, Spain

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 22,278

Mislata is a Spanish city that houses 44,555 people.

23. Saint-Mandé, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 22,619

Saint-Mandé is a French commune and has lost land several times over to Paris.

22. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 22,860

L’Hospitalet de Llobregat is a Spanish city that is one of the largest in the country in terms of population.

21. Union City, United States

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 22,863

Union City is a city in the U.S. state of California. It houses a large number of shipping companies.

20. City of Pasay, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 23,192

The City of Pasay houses more than four hundred thousand people.

19. Les Lilas, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 23,276

Les Lilas is a French commune located close to Paris.

18. City of Malabon, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 23,783

The City of Malabon is a Philippine city with a population of close to four hundred thousand people.

17. Montrouge, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 23,954

Montrouge is another French city. It covers 4.4 square kilometers and has a population of 50,260.

16. Kolkata, India

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 24,306

Kolkata is an Indian city and one of the most populous ones on our list.

15. Vincennes, France

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 24,946

Vincennes is a French commune located in the North of France.

14. City of Pasig, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 25,908

The City of Pasig has a population of close to a million people and was established by the Spaniards in the 16th century.

13. Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Belgium

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 26,965

Saint-Josse-ten-Noode is a Belgian city that houses close to thirty thousand people.

12. Neapoli, Greece

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 27,084

Neapoli is a Greek city that covers a little more than one square kilometer in area.

11. City of Makati, Philippines

Number of People Per Square Kilometer: 28,619

The City of Makati is a Filipino city and one of the largest in the country in terms of population.

Click to continue reading and see 10 Most Densely Populated Cities in the World.

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Disclosure: None. 50 Most Densely Populated Cities in the World is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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