Despite increasing cigarette prices in many countries, there are at least 5 websites to buy cigarettes online legally that provide world-class service and high-quality cigarettes at the best prices possible. While more people are online than ever, and many of them purchase products using the internet, the local retail outlets are facing a new competition from an increasing number of e–commerce sites that offer cigarettes online. Among other products, electronic cigarettes are also attractive for many people because they are believed to be less harmful. We actually published another article that lists the 5 healthiest cigarettes with the least chemicals. Read it.

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Another factor contributing to a large number of sites that offer online services for smokers is the continuous increase of taxes on cigarettes. The aim of such strategies implemented in many states is to deter people from smoking. Indeed, when cigarette prices increase, many people can change their passion and behavior by smoking less, or even quitting altogether. The results support the finding that low nicotine content of cigarettes have a positive effect and may facilitate smoking cessation. However, even though there are positive reports about sales decrease and reduced consumption of cigarettes due to preventive strategies, many smokers are avoiding high taxes by using the internet and online websites. These websites use countries that have much lower tax rates on cigarettes and then ship them to customers in other countries where this price is higher. Moreover, they use the full benefits of the single European market, which enables them to transport in different EU countries without additional duty.
By the way, you can watch the video below to find out 7 cigarette brands that contain the lowest tar and nicotine.
Unfortunately, many of the existing websites that offer cheap cigarettes avoid taxes and ship them in different states despite the original destination. In fact, the rules are different for internet sales in different states, and only a few of existing websites offer a free replacement shipment when their cigarettes are intercepted by customs. Survey results have discovered that many of websites have failed to deliver on their promises and legally serve their customers. Fortunately for smokers, there are at least 5 websites to buy cigarettes online legally and benefit from cheaper prices. Examples of such websites are summarized below.