5 Unhealthiest Countries In Africa

3. Chad  

Insider Monkey Score: 3

Chad is off course to meet global nutrition targets, with high rates of malnutrition affecting both children and adults. Approximately 31.1% of children under five are stunted, and 10.2% suffer from wasting, both figures being higher than the regional averages. The prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age is also concerning, affecting 45.4% of women aged 15 to 49 years. In 2023, Chad committed to increasing health sector spending to 15%, focusing on free emergency care, and HIV services, and reducing maternal mortality. UNICEF reported a 35% funding increase from 2022, with a 100% budget utilization by year-end. UNICEF’s 2023 health budget includes $2.5 million for health, $331,700 for HIV/AIDS, and $46.9 million for nutrition.