Editor’s Note: Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)
Litchfield Hills Research Increases Tesla Motors Price Target to $188.00 (Mideast Time)
Tesla had its price target upped by Litchfield Hills Research from $100.00 to $188.00 in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, StockRatingsNetwork.com reports. Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Wedbush reiterated a neutral rating on shares of Tesla in a research note to investors on Monday, July 29th. They now have a $110.00 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Deutsche Bank upgraded shares of Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research note to investors on Friday, July 26th. They now have a $160.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $50.00. Finally, analysts at TheStreet reiterated a hold rating on shares of Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) in a research note to investors on Wednesday, July 24th.
Yesterday, I figured I’d get out in front of the Tesla Motors (TSLA) earnings report with a prediction that the stock would miss its numbers and sell off. Boy, was I wrong, both on Tesla earnings and TSLA stock. Shares are gapping up again, this time by about 16% early Thursday, after strong earnings and yet another quarterly profit vs. expectations of a loss. That makes Tesla stock — which had run up 300% since January before earnings — up about 360% if the early rally holds.
Stock Downgrades: Today’s Takedown of Tesla Motors Inc Looks Like Road Kill (Minyanville)
It’s just as well Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser cancelled his scheduled speech yesterday, for the pronouncements of his fellow members have sent the market scurrying for cover this week. Shares slumped for a third straight day; much more of this and investors will have to reassess the Obama bounce in equities since 2009. Indeed it was a day to forget for the president. A noted BlackBerry addict, he saw that troubled stock slump a further 3.76%. Freddie Ma, fresh from being criticized by our Commander in Chief, gained 1.43% after announcing it made $5 million for 12 weeks of government work. And a disowned Zillow slid 7.69% on the very day it rolled out the red carpet for Barack. (In the interests of being “fair and balanced,” so to speak, it would be remiss of me not to point out that Mitt’s diss of Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)looks more ill-advised than ever this morning.)
Smart Electric may now be a smarter choice than a Telsa S (TG Daily)
For a commuter car, which is where an electric should shine, smaller is better and there are few cars smaller than a Smart car. The Tesla S is larger than my SUV and solidly on the large side of the full size sedan class. Finding parking for it will thus be far more difficult. Monthly lease cost for the Smart is around $140 and for the Tesla S around $1,000 a month to lease (you typically lease electrics, though the Tesla has a unique program). Tesla will argue that your savings in gas and car pool lane advantages have an offsetting value of nearly $400 a month – bringing down the effective cost of the Tesla to around $600. But those same savings could be applied to the Smart and it likely would get lower insurance changes as well, suggesting it could actually make you more than it costs a month. The more difficult issue is range.The Smart would be risky on any round trip commute over 60 miles and even at 60 miles you’d likely have battery anxiety from time to time. The Tesla can handle three times that but this isn’t a clear win because charging the Tesla, particularly in a public (non-supercharger) takes far longer. You likely can charge the Smart overnight on 110 AC while with the Tesla you really need 220 to charge the thing at a reasonable time and even they you’ll likely want a boosted charger which is tough to find outside of your garage.
The 10 Hedge Funds With The Biggest Stake In Tesla Motors (Business Insider)
Yesterday, Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) beat second quarter earnings expectations by posting a surprise profit. The stock was trading up more than 13% in the pre-market. It was last trading around $152 per share. The stock has been on an absolute tear this year. The shares have moved up 343.74% since the beginning of the year.