5 Supplements for Longevity and Antiaging: Expert Recommendations

2. NAC+Glycine

A study suggests that a novel dietary supplement called GlyNAC may be promising for lifespan extension. In mice, researchers observed a remarkable 24% increase in lifespan compared to the control group. GlyNAC is a unique blend of two amino acids: glycine and N-acetylcysteine (NAC). These components are potent precursors to glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, offering robust protection against cellular damage. Notably, GlyNAC differs from standalone NAC or glutathione supplementation. The study authors clarify, “Glutathione synthesis necessitates both cysteine (derived from NAC) and glycine. NAC alone lacks glycine, and only GlyNAC provides both essential precursors for GSH synthesis.” Beyond lifespan extension, GlyNAC supplementation showcased additional benefits. Mice receiving the supplement demonstrated improved muscle strength in both upper and lower extremities, hinting at a potential for enhanced physical performance. While results warrant further investigation, the initial findings suggest GlyNAC may open new avenues for promoting healthy aging and extending lifespan.