5 Smart Ways to Cut Your Utility Bills

2. Add Insulation

According to many estimates, two-thirds to half of the electricity bill in a house is taken up by air conditioning systems. Maintaining a moderate temperature instead of making the indoors too warm or too cold is preferred in order to cut down on bills. However, you can even help the air conditioning and lower the electricity bill further by improving the insulation in the house.

Without insulation, the internal environment of the house becomes the same as that of the outdoors, which means that it would be as warm or chilly in the house as it would be outside. Air conditioning usually takes up a lot of power to lower or raise the indoor temperature to the desired temperature. As insulation reduces the effect of outdoor temperature on the indoor environment, the air conditioning would not have to work as hard and would hence reduce the electricity bill by a up to 30%. Insulation is thus beneficial in terms of keeping the house at a comfortable temperature and even possibly eliminating the need for air conditioning. It comes in many types such as Batts and Blankets. Loose Fill, and Spray Foam. Even the hot water tank in the house can be insulated by using an insulation blanket and fixing it with heavy-duty tape. A small step such as insulating the hot water tank can contribute to reducing utility bills considerably.