5 Part-Time Jobs for Writers

2. Technical Writing Job

Median hourly wage: $24,86

The purpose of technical writing, which ranks second on our list of part-time jobs for writers, is to explain, instruct and inform an audience about a particular subject in a variety of occupational and technical fields. Knowing the most important features of technical writing is essential for your success in this field. So, your writing has to be comprehensive, concise, organized and above all correct. The main goal is to translate information that is hard to comprehend, to other people, by simplifying and summarizing information which is mainly related to engineering, robotics, computer hardware and software, etc. That’s why there are different types of technical writing, so it’s not like you are just going to write repair manuals and user help guides. So, in case you’re still wondering how to become a technical writer, check out the CareerBulider’s guide, or take one of the Coursera’s courses.

Part-Time Jobs for Writers

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