5 Most Profitable Cash-Only Businesses To Avoid Taxes

2. Home Care Services

Home care services are a multibillion dollar industry in the US. By the end of the decade, this number is expected to grow and hit $31 billion. Even as home grows smarter, there are some jobs that still require old-school approaches to business. For example, house painting. There is little investment required for house painting jobs. Apart from the cost of paints and labor, there is little else that house painters require, except maybe brushes and ladders. This is perhaps one reason why the home care services market, house painting in particular, is cash-heavy.

Other home care jobs like landscaping, interior design, plumbing and carpentry require skilled labor as well. These jobs are cash-dominated like house painting. Another reason this industry is growing is that the cost of home care products has been steadily rising. Nippon Paint Holdings (NASDAQ: NPCPF) is one such firm. However, it has seen its stock price fluctuate over the past few years, mostly due to the pandemic. In 2019, it acquired the Dulux Group for more than $300 billion. The firm is based in Tokyo and has thousands of employees.