5 Most Powerful Countries Ruling the World in 2050

2. China

Projected GDP (PPP) in 2050: $58.5 trillion

Forecasted Defense Expenditure in 2050: $503.39 billion

Technological Capabilities Rank: 12

Score: 0.966

China is fast catching up on the United States for global hegemony. According to the PricewaterhouseCoopers, China is projected to be the largest economy in the world in 2050, with an estimated GDP in PPP terms of $58.5 billion. Based on trends in Chinese military spending between 1990 and 2022, Beijing is forecasted to spend over $500 billion on defense in 2050. The country incurred $292 in military spending in 2022. China is also among the most technologically advanced countries in the world and is leveraging this to its advantage in its domestic tech and defense industries.