5 Most Politically Influential Countries in the World

2. China

Political-Influence Score: 81.29

China is the second biggest economy in the world and is projected to surpass the US economy by 2030. It is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council with veto power. These factors have led to China naturally flexing its political muscle around the world and especially in the region. 

China’s navy regularly patrols the South China Sea and the country has laid claim to several Spratly islands, which has led to antagonization of the US. 

China has also been building its political capital in countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Nigeria through development of infrastructure and other investments. However, on that front, it has been accused of debt-trap diplomacy.

A study conducted by the International Monetary Fund, a global lender, shows that between 2013-2016, China’s contribution in loans to heavily indebted poverty-stricken countries doubled from 6% to 12%. On top of that, Foreign Policy has called China’s lending opaque with regard to terms and conditions. 

Some of the consequences for countries that have been unable to repay their debt have been China taking over their strategically important assets. For instance, it has taken Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port for a lease of 99 years after its debt-cancelation.