5 Most Meat Eating States Per Capita

3. Missouri 

Total Score: 0.9 

Missouri is one of the top meat-eating states in the U.S., with high consumer demand for pork chops, chicken breast, and beef steak. Commercial red meat production has surged over the past three decades, with Missouri producing 1.887 billion pounds in 2014. The state boasts a robust animal slaughtering and meat processing industry, accounting for $3.45 billion in sales. With a cattle inventory of 1,956,000 beef cows and 90,000 cattle on feed, Missouri ranks among the top 10 states for beef cow inventory. In 2020, cattle production in Missouri totaled 1.343 billion pounds, valued at $1.669 billion. The state’s agriculture is primarily dominated by soybeans and corn, comprising 87% of all crop value.