5 Most Diverse Countries In the World

Below you can see the list of the 5 most diverse countries in the world. For a more comprehensive list, you can check out 25 most diverse countries in the world.

5. Switzerland

Employee Diversity Weighted Index: 0.60

The richness of Swiss culture is a result of the country’s location at the crossroads of several notable European cultures. In Switzerland, diversity policies are primarily used to handle ethnicity (77%), age (78%), language (58%), and gender (57%) inequalities (76 percent). A number of Swiss firms from various industries (e.g., Novartis, Roche, Swisscom, Credit Suisse, AXA, PwC, and Coutts) have implemented group-wide diversity and inclusion initiatives and policies, making it one of the most diverse countries in the world.

4. Australia

Employee Diversity Weighted Index: 0.61

Australia’s multicultural society combines a slew of anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace based on race, ethnicity, gender, and a variety of other factors. Other ways are also used in Australia to create employment equity, such as proactive organizational strategies and activities with targets and timeframes.

3. Iceland

Employee Diversity Weighted Index: 0.62

Statistics show that Iceland is becoming more diversified as a result of increased immigration. According to the most recent statistics, immigrants now account for 13% of the population, up from 2.1 percent twenty years ago. Iceland’s ethnic composition is now 93 percent Icelandic. Polish people make up the largest ethnic minority, accounting for 3% of the population. All these population numbers ensure that Iceland is included among the most diverse countries in the world.

2. New Zealand

Employee Diversity Weighted Index: 0.63

A quarter of New Zealand’s population was born outside the country, making it a “highly diversified” country. It has a long tradition of accepting people from all walks of life. There are more than 200 different ethnicities in New Zealand’s towns, and a fifth of all New Zealanders were born overseas.

1. Norway

Employee Diversity Weighted Index: 0.67

According to a research study by Oxford Economics and commissioned by Forbes Insights, Norway is the most diverse country in the world because it has the most diverse workforce. Immigrants or Norwegians born to immigrant parents now make about 33% of Oslo’s population. These factors led to improved gender diversity scores.

You can also have a look at the 25 Most Suicidal Countries in the World and the 25 Coldest Countries in the World.